Posted by: KaLaNkIsThAn November 27, 2004
movieTime: Alexander the Great
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Haha Confused bro. Don't waste your money on this movie. Watch it on HBO insted. Alexander in this movie is nothing more than a constanly weeping boy of an insane mother. There is nothing so inspiring about him in the movie. I won't be surprised if Greeks ban this movie not for portraying Alexander as homosexual but for portrayin' him as cry baby. He looks so weak and fragile that you won't even believe him when he is giving a speech to motivate his army before the war. Compare the similar scene in Gladiator, Russell Crowe looked so inspiring. Technically, movie is brilliant. The palace of Babylon is stunning, and that is about it. :D But narration of the movie is completely confusing... more confused than Confused bro himself.. LOL... Like, there is a scene where Alexander fights with his father, and his father exiles him. Furious, he leaves the palace. Next scene, he is with his father, chillin' out in Macidonia. hehe... Now the question is what happend in between those two scenes that made his father change his mind? Mr. Stone doesn't bother to show it to us, insted he focuses on lovelife of Alexander. Yup, like Moneyminded said, bisexuality was common practice at that time among Greeks. Nothing surprising about that. It's like noone is surprised when Alexander's mother announced that Alexander is the son of Zeus. Nobody will be surprised if they show underage marriage was legal in US 200 years ago. There is one scene where Hephaistion was punch by somebody. Why was he punched? What happened next? Now thats what I call confusion. Why bother to show that if you don't wanna tell us the reason behind not deleting that part from the movie? Alexander's army refuse to go to war with Monkey Tribes in India. That particular scene, Alexander seems like he is in a verge of breakdown. hehe... He sounds something like -- You guys don't leave me, if you leave me, I'll jump off this cliff... hehe... The great but weak conquerer??? Thats so unlike Alexander. He is an inspiration to the people, a true hero, the great commander, the bold persona -- don't portray him as a crybaby.. eh... It's like Superman singing "papa don't preach".... eh. And Angelina Jolie's accent sounds crazy... Everyone has manpari accent. ehe... Anthony Hopkins has his own, Angelina Jolie has her own, Alexander has Iris accent where as his father has American accent... haha... Bujhnai garho. :P That movie bugged my head pretty bad, hehe... can't stop thinking about it. hehe... Whatta waste.
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