Posted by: regidk January 19, 2018
Regarding the DUKUTI
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I've read that the system of 'Dhukuti'...helped Jews in America..progress....As they helped each other out...when banks owned by non-jews...didn't invest in Jews....Also, in Nepal, Thakali families did extremely well because of the system of Dhukuti....they had....

Dhukuti-like system is great for 2 reason...(with trusted people)

1. You not only share money, but share other resources, like knowledge about various things...opportunities..etc
2. You don't have to deal with conventional banks...and save yourself unnecessary high interest rates...

Google 'dhukuti and thaklai...there's a book written by some academics..about Thakalis of Nepal..and how Thakalis prospered in Nepal due them relying on Dhukuti system...

Like Benjamin Franklin said- Join or Die or the old saying...unite or die...Dhukuti (with rigorous system in place - Join and prosper) as you no longer walk in the wilderness- animals hunting together (lions, hyenas, etc do extremely well)....thinking of Dhukuti the same way...'hunting together"

Last edited: 19-Jan-18 12:11 AM
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