Posted by: Nepe November 20, 2004
A paradox?
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I have never felt so inadequate as I am feeling now to see the great PARADOX Ashu is so easily seeing in our civil's society's denunciation of Mohsin, the mantri WITH royal BOARDER's, deliberate prophecy for the oncoming Mahashasan of Gyanendra Maharaj versus a silent acceptance of the result of a scientific survey made by an organization of Reporters WITHOUT BOARDER. Mohsin and RWB represent totally different intities, interests, method, agenda and purpose. Even a elementary school kid can tell this much. What Mohsin was telling us and what RWB was telling us are totally different things- in content, in intention, in how they come up with and in just about everything. How the hell did you see a paradox there, Ashu ? There is no comparison. There is no paradox. What is there in fact is your interesting failure to denounce Mohsin for the reason only you know and your spectacular failure to see that our civil society including the journalists have in fact reacted profoundly to the report of the RWB. Let me explain the latter for you. To begin, what is there to react strongly to the report of the RWD ? That Nepal should not be ranked 160th ? Okay, would it have been more accurate if it was 155th ? Or 150th ? Okay, let me make you happier, how about 145th ? What the hell, let me show you my big heart, take 140th. Now, tell me what difference that makes. Will that tell that our Royal Army and Armed Police do not rouse fear in the minds, for illustrative purpose, an ordinary journalist who would like to do an investigative work on royal member or publish it too ? Will that tell that our Kamredi janasarkaar is more liberal when it comes to the freedom of expression ? No. The 140th rank does not do that. It still tells qualitatively the same thing that the 160th rank does. So, there might be some % error more than that reported in the report. But still, the report of RWD, with it's appropriate scientific limitation, gives a general picture of how we are. So, to me, a general silence was an appropriate and also a profound reaction, at least in a poetic sense, to that report. Well done, the civil society of Nepal ! It was quite entertaining to see Ashu jumping like a fish in a frying pan and complaining that nobody saying nothing and making grand hypotheses on the reason for that silence and what not. There is one more comincal part in Ashu's chhatpati. He complains that nobody is saying anything. But he is himself reluctant to say what he expects others to say. His cautious remarks like A BIT of surprising and then a lot of apologetic and non-specific remarks (this and the previous thread on 160th rank) does not measure upto his questioning to others. Put your own view first. Then complain about others. The reverse order is also okay. But just complaining and not putting your own view is ..I don't know what it is called, but I know it is typical of Ashu. My three years of experience and 16 ana. Lajjaa.
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