Posted by: mero_naam_ho October 23, 2015
Kasari paisa kamaune ra jogaaune..
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I hope this thread is not a troll and therefor putting my 2 cents.

There are two parts -- making money and saving money.

1. You have a job so I guess you are making a good money. around 80-90 k.

-- If you are single then its a good enough for one person. Now, its all about saving money. If you rent a room (not apartment) there you go, you can save. $500 is good enough for a month for the grocery provided that you don't eat out everyday and visit clubs twice in a week. Saving is all depends on your life style.

-- if you are married and have kids, then it would be very hard to save. if you are the only person who works, given that your wife has to look after your kids then well its almost impossible to save. But the satisfaction you will get is mind blowing. Remember money is not everything.

2. Sign up for a share riding services like uber and lyft.. Trust me, people make a lot of money on it.

3. If you are In IT (i assume you are), then go for freelancing during your free time. If this makes you feel like "awww", then please visit the following link. This is a theme for angular JS that has been sold more than 18,000 times. (18,000 X 18) -- ..Seller is selling it for 18 dollars. -- you do the math . This applies to android / IOS app / Boot strap themes / any designing skills / programming....

4.Make money from business - well, I don't have any business so don't have much idea on this. But one thing is for sure, you need a capital to start a business. If you haven't saved an single penny so far then you might need to get a loan to start a business.

5. My personal opinion --- Its not about putting money first, its about doing first what you love. You might know about "facebook", it was started as a hobby. "youtube", no one thought it will soon replace TV. if you think I am making a big talk giving examples about these huge companies then what about a game called "flappy birds". remember developer used to make 50 k per week. Instagram is another example, "whatsapp", .. There are tons.

if you are wondering why I don't do any of these, very simple answer - I don't have a "kagaj" - End of the story.

The point is you need to do what you love most. Everybody have a passion ? whatever is your passion, be dammn good at it , money will come along.

my 2 cents.
Last edited: 23-Oct-15 02:17 PM
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