Posted by: _____ January 26, 2015
निर्मला को भयो विवाह
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- Can't you simply solve this problem by including the condition that the child should have been educated in Nepal and there needs to be a proof of residency for several years (let's say above 10 years) from local state agencies such as municipality?

Yes we can, I think you have not read or understood my answer above in some other thread I said

You made my day by saying what is in above paragraph. Yes, I am not in favour of writing a blank check but in favour of putting such restriction.

If I were a lawmaker I would like to put following restriction

1.  Proof of residency for several years (let's say above 10 years) from local state agencies such as municipality? (Your suggestion)

2. Marriage registration. (this is required for citizenship through father too)

3. Birth registration ( this is required for citizenship through father too)

4. And affidavit ( compulsory) that says at the time of applying for citizenship he/she has not applied for citizenship for another country and is not the citizen of another country. (this is to avoid if the guy is already a citizen of another country). This will automatically be cancelled if Nepal allows dual citizenship.

These restrictions should be seen as not to disrespect women but as a security so that it won’t affect Nepalis economy.

 You're speaking exactly like Bal Krishna Neupane now. That's what I hated the most when he spoke which such tone. Do you know women in Saudi Arabai don't have rights to vote and drive? So are you blaming the parents when they give birth to girl for their ill-fate? This clearly shows you guys don't want CHANGE to come in Nepal. You old-kinda guys despite your years of western-living and all these education don't feel that women can have equal rights as men.

Western world teaches that rights come with responsibilities. If you are not responsible court may take away your rights. and in western world  also says "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."

you will not be excused by court or police just by saying sorry I don’t know the law. Or a driver can not escape from speeding ticket just by saying "sorry I didn’t know the speed limit"


Empowering women also means they understand their responsibility.

Once they understand the responsibility they won’t marry a man who appears not ready to take his responsibility as father. Or not get pregnant from a man is not ready to give his child his rights. These things should be talked before marriage and getting pregnant ( offcourse 100% avoidence is not possible). Marrigae comes with economic and social responsibility.


- What has this got to do with anything? State won't give the citizenship unless the child shows the proof of father's citizenship. Why're you blaming only MOTHERs for this? Aren't fathers responsible for this? Or are you saying that only SINGLE mothers failed to do so? Do you think most of married nepali couples go through these paper works?

I never said fathers are not responsible, yes fathers are responsible too. But you have to understand and I mentioned this in my previous reply. There are good people there are bad people. Father left he was not capable of taking his responsibility. or it was accidental  pregnancy out of short term affair  or it was something else I don’t know. What I know is father is not there help get citizenship. NOW we just saying fathers are responsible too will solve the problem of those single mother or kids? nope. We need to solve this problem. a good citizens duty just does not ends when set the responsibility of the person who is not available. When you want to get citizenship you have to go through these papers. If you don’t have papers I suggest you start making  will be helpful for future

There will be many more cases like the in future.

So my reply is just by granting the citizenship to a child without fathers paper wont solve the problem. In Nepali society single mother will suffer economic and social status problem ( and by the way we van not solve these problem by law). So educating mothers, would be mothers, and teen agers, about the responsibility it comes with marriage, what happens in case of divorce, what happens if husband disappears?

Then people reqiore papers as a proof. without paper in western worldyou do not order to open a bank account legally you need to have foto ID or drivers licence.or job aceptance letter.In order to get job again you need to have proof of legal residency. If you dont have drivers licence, residency card ( different country have different name for it) or credit card you dont exists. And if you are 18 or above you must have it. No paper nothing.So in western world parrents,single father,single mother they make these papers.


So just saying fathers are responsible too problem wont disappears for those single mother, because father is not there to take responsibility. This situation needs to be solved. long term solution is to educate the gals/women about it so that they will be able to make right decision when required.


And yes in that sajha sawal one single mother from Kavre had her paper done; most of the gals gave birth after 1990 when Nepal was democratic, lots of NGO about women right, many FM radios government advertisement about birth registration and marriage registration.


I have sympathy for people who are suffering and I think their problem need to be addressed but I don’t have sympathy for people who do not want to fulfill their responsibility. Now please don’t jump and conclude that I am against giving women right.  NO .I don’t like those fathers too who ran away from their responsibility.

We are talking about women here because they are suffering. If it was for men, I will say the same.

These days lots of Nepali men in Middle East working to make money for their family back in Nepal. Every week we read news that wife ran away with another man or wife arranged the killing of her husband once he returned from Middle East. Now what is my answer you know?


I just don’t say oh yeah that woman was bad or scold every Nepali woman for her action and live peacefully. NO, I don’t do that only, Yes I will say those women were irresponsible ( like I said those fathers) or criminal  if crime is involved  BUT I will tell to those men please don’t have a blind faith on your women, be careful and don’t give 100% control of your money to her. Otherwise you may be the one who will suffer.

Men have to act rationally. If they don’t, who is responsible for their action? You? me ? Nepal?? No he, only he is responsible for his action.

And I don’t have sympathy for people who think making kid is a fun game. You don’t make kids because you want or just because you can. You make kids only if you are ready to bear responsibility that goes both for father and mother.

Yes I have sympathy for those kids, they were not responsible for their parents action. 

- What has this got to do with anything? State won't give the citizenship unless the child shows the proof of father's citizenship. Why are you blaming only Mothers for this? Aren't fathers responsible for this? Or are you saying that only SINGLE mothers failed to do so? Do you think most of married Nepali couples go through these paper works?

You know even if you are getting married to foreigners in Nepal you need to register it. Western countries recognise the marriage registered in Nepal. If foreigners get married in Nepal and don’t register their marriage will, not be recognised. They have to remarry (in paper, in their country).

In many countries if you are not legally married divorce won’t apply to

Nepal’s law require marriage to be registered and that certificate must be produced in order to get citizenship whether you apply with father’s citizenship or not.. That is what marriage registration has to do. Those gals in sajha sawal didn’t have their marriage registered nor the birth of their child. Except that tamng bhai, whos mother had birth his birth registered.

- You're totally wrong on this. I think our nation will be advanced and it will show more respect to women and empower women. I've been saying if there are concerns, you can add conditions/restrictions. No one is asking for WITHOUT any restriction IMO.

I agree with this, and I have said that in my reply before and another thread too. May be you should read my answer. AND putting restriction does not mean we disrespect, it is just to keep away possible misuse that’s all.

- I'm totally not convinced on your logic. It doesn't make any sense to me. 

I can do nothing for this you have right not to believe me. But once again those points were not executes because those things are happening even today. And I am not making things up. If you read Nepali news papers  you will find such news every other day.

 How am I being emotional when I say we're disrespecting women by saying all yada yada about ultranationalism and possibility of abuse when we provide citizenship through women?

I have not given main emphasis to nationalism have I? have I told that Nepali  nationality will be in danger by giving citizenship on mothers name only ? I have only said somewhere that demography may change and that is true, it may change.

My main emphasis is for economic one.

Have you given a thought why a person who is citizen of a country which is richer than Nepal, comes to Nepal  to menial job ?

Even they make 1000 Nepali   Rupee per day that will be only 600 Indian Rs. Then they have to spend on lodging, food, cloths medicine etc and much they will save and how much they will send back to family in India? We all know that in India there is more opportunity than Nepal, then why Indians come to Nepal for job and business? Have not you read in news papers that Indians were caught making false nepali citizenship? Why people from a rich country want a citizenship of a poor country?  

Nepalis go to India to look for better life, it is understandable because India is a richer country, more opportunity their. But why a person from rich country come to Nepal and  work very hard live 5 people in one room and save some money and send that to their family in India, why ?

Have not you read in newspaper that in one of the eye hospital in western Nepal 50% of eye patient are Indian.  I agree that India has advanced medical facility than Nepal even than Indians come to Nepali Hospital why ? Have you thought about it. Those are the reason why we need to put restriction. It is just to save nepal’s economic interest that’s all. If a country can not protect its economic interest then it is doomed as banana republic.

The restriction id directed neither towards women, nor to terai people and India



My friend why do you think I have enough time to spend in sajha.I too don’t have time but I manage my time. I escape beer parties with friends. Finish lunch in 15 minutes instead of one hrs so that I have 45 minutes to answers.

Sure you can search and find some logic which contradicts mine. But how practical willit be ,I have no idea.


Now to my friend Hurray

All these guys againts citizenship through mother, pleae explain this to me. May be I am missing something here.

If Kancha (nepali male) goes to India and marries Sri Devi, their kids can get nepali citizenship.
But if Kanchi (nepali female) goes to India and marries Rajnikant, why can't their kids get nepali citizenship? 


My answer is if the Kanchi gets married to a Indain male rich like Rajanikanta we shouldgive citizenship to them too. Because those kids will spend more in Nepal than using Nepali citizenship. They will buy a big house (foreign money coming to Nepal legally and without unwanted avocation).

Do you know that US sells its Green card for 500K and 1000K, If you have 1000K you can buy green card for you, your wife (if you are married and kids who are under 21). Many rich and corrupt nepalis have bought US green card by paying 500K USD.

Do you know that many European union countries sell residency card for 500K euro.

In England government sells residency card for 1000K pound so if you have 1000K pound you can buy residency card for you, your wife and kids under 21

But when a poor uneducated person wants to get US green card, it is impossible. Countries do discrimination based on how much money you have. Sowhat is wrong If we want to protect our economic interest.

If kids of Nepali women married to Indian man, it is very natural to ask why ?

They have right to Indian citizenship, why they didn’t take that?

There are more opportunity in India, by taking Nepali citizenship why they want to deny those possibilities for themselves?

There must be some good reason if someone don’t want to take citizenship of a country which is richer than Nepal  and what is wrong If Nepal asks why you want to take Nepali citizenship instead of Indian one ?

There is no visa requirement; there is no travel restriction to Indian citizens in Nepal

ईन्डिया को गरीब हरु जम्मा गर्ने ठाउँ होइन नेपाल 

  Nepal should develop residency card system and sell it for 500K USD and after 5 years if there is no criminal record they should get citizenship too why not.

 Many small island countries even sell honorary diplomatic post and diplomatic passport if you are rich enough to buy it. Few Iranians have done that. Its all Legal.

One Israeli business women bought a diplomatic post from Nepal.  She used to do all activities of a Nepal consulate for a nominal fee. She had turned her nice house into Nepali consulate (without charging Nepal a penny) she even had a staff on her own expenses. What she gets in return you know? Access to Diplomatic circle, specially south Asian diplomatic circle which could be very economically attractive.

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