Posted by: _____ January 25, 2015
निर्मला को भयो विवाह
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कानून बनाउनु भनेको राष्ट्रले समस्यालाई सम्बोधन गर्नु हो

म सहमत छु, तर खाली एउतै मात्र समाधान किन ? अरु पनि हुन सक्छन समाधान, जुब समाधान ले देश लै ( र अतए मा नेपाली लै ) अप्ठ्यारो मा पार्छ त्यो मात्रै समाधान किन ? के अरु प्रकार को समधान क्जसले देश लै अप्ठेरो मा पर्दैन , खोज्न सकिदैन. खाली एय्तई मात्र समाधान जसले देश लै अप्ठ्यारो मा पर्छ मा जोड दिनु लै बाल हठ भन्न सकिन्छ कि सकिदैन.
समस्या को समाधान गर्न पर्दैन त कसैले भनेको छैन , समस्या छैन भनेर पनि भनेको छैन, फरक खाली समाधान क उपाए  मा मात्रै हो .

यो त केवल पढेलेखेका पितृसत्तात्मक व्यवस्थालाई कायम गर्न चाहने पढेलेखेका बर्गले चाहे येस्तै असबंधित उदाहरण दिएर होस् या उग्र राष्ट्रबादको नाममा होस् महिलालाई दबाएर नै राख्न गरेका तर्क मात्रै हुन् जस्तो लाग्छ

यो तपाई को भ्रम मात्र हो , पहिला यो भ्रम फाल्नुस र समाधान को उपाए हरु मा ध्यान दिनुस, प्रमाण को सट्टा भावनात्मक तर्क गरेर समाधान निक्लदैन 

केटा मान्छेले यो मेरो बच्चा हो भन्दा नागरिकता पाउने तर जन्म दिने आमालाई नानाभाती कारणहरुले नागरिकता नदिलाउने कस्तो नियत हो यो

यो कुरा साचो होइन, तपाई भ्रम मा हुनु हुन्छ,
केटा मान्छे ले आफ्नो बच्चा   भनेर मात्र पुग्दैन, आफ्नो नागरिकता पनि देखौन पर्छ, जन्म दर्ता देखौन पर्छ,जसमा बाबु को नाम उल्लेख भएको हुन पर्छ, अझ कहिँ कहिँ त स्कुल को प्रमाण पत्र जसमा बाबु को नाम उल्लेख छ त्यो पनि माग्छन.

आमा र बाबु को मा फरक यत्ति छ कि , आमा को नागरिकता ले पुग्दैन बाबु को पनि चाहिन्छ 
यो पनि महिला संग भेद भाब गर्ने नियेत ले राखिए कोम होइन , न यो कुनै छिमेकी देश वा कुनै जाति लै लक्षित गरेर राखिएको हो यो त नेपाल सानो र गरिब भएको ले नेपाल लै आर्थिक र सामाजिक भार बढी हुन बाट बचौना को लागि गरिएको हो 

सिमा परि बिबाह गरेर गएको छोरी क सन्तान हरुले पनि नागरिकता पाउदा तेस्ले नेपाल लै आर्थिक भर बढ्ने , जसले गर्दा जनता ले बढी कर तिर्न पर्ने , र अन्य  देश मा नागरिकता पाउने अधिकार भएका ले पनि आर्थिक लाभ का लागि नेपाल को नागरिकता लिने स्थिति पैदा हुन ले तेसो गरिएको हो.

वास्तविक  एस्तो हुदै हुदै पनि  येही चैन्छा भन्नु त बच्चा को जस्तो जिद्दी भएन 

In sajha sawal, someone mentioned the figure of total figure of 700-800K in total so फर

That was the number of kids living with single mother. This does not mean that all of them have problem getting citizenship. Many of them may have their father with nepali citizenship so they wont face any problem getting nepali citizenship.
father of some of those kids may have died thats why  singlr mothr, they  theirs father's citizenship is intact and they will get citizenship when they applied. They just have to produce death certificate of their father and his citizenship.

many couple may have divorced  but kids living with mother, they too wont have any problem getting citizenship if their father have citizensip. they just have to prodece their fathers citizenship, thats all.

So, real problem may be for say 100K kids ( my guess only, I came to this conclusion after deducting many possibilities outlined above)

So, to give citizenship easily to 100K kids we need to pass a law which opens citizenship possibility of another 500K kids, which can easily be abused for economic reason. are we that lame? We ran out of all other possibilities? 

........what I hear was about 3-4 million people.....

Yeah approximately 4 million got citizenship  at that time. but all thiose was not in Terai. In Terai approximately 2 .5 million (this is not official data, but publishe in different newspaper at that time )

We have to accept that there was problem of citizenship in Terai legit Nepalis not getting citizenship, So among thos 2.5 million many may me legit to get nepali citizenship.yeas out of that 2.5 million,  may be 1.5 were not legit. But guess what ? those non nepalis who managed to get citiship that way is illigal and when we have enough evidence those citizenship will be cancelled. Governement is doing that such news are appearing in newspapers.

BUT if we signed a blank check saying kids of nepali women can get nepali citizenship without any restriction many of those will be legal. and many more will tkae nepali citizenshipin due course. This will create a big mess in future.

have you herd about writing own future? 
by agreeing for citizenship to kids of nepali women without any restriction we will be writing a bad futuerefor nepal,us and our kids.

By the way do you know when the guy from other side of the border agrees to marry Nepali gal what they ask in dowry ? you won't imagine, they ask for Nepali citizenship for their son as a part of the dowry.

Many Indians living in indian border towns consider Nepal as wonderfull place for business where everything is possible.

If people are afraid, can't you include simple conditions, such as person should have lived in country for this many years and been studying in the country for certain number of years or marriage certificate should have been registered inside Nepal, etc,,,

Dear Metta ,

You made my day by saying what is in above paragraph. Yes, I am not in favour of writing a blank check  but in favour of putting such restriction.
Have you realised that many women in sajha sawal don't have their marriage registed, birth of kids not registered? 

Compulsary marriage registration and birth regietration is in place in Nepal for last 35 years. but mothers failed to do that.

Empowering women also means women understanding legal their responsibilites once they get Married and give birth, and at the time of marriage. Empowering woman  means that they should know whom they are getting married, and from whom they are getting pregenant. ( know means legally, healthwise etc).

Once you empower women they wont marry or get pregenant from someone whose legal status they are unware of and act responsibly. There are good people, there are bad people if  they failed to differentiate between good and bad people ( to get married and to make kids) they are not empowered.


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