Posted by: Keyser Soze December 30, 2014
अमेरिकामा बार्षिक २ लाख डलर को काम छोडेर नेपालमा बार्षिक ५ लाख रुपियाको तलब खान आए स्वर्णिम वाग्ले
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This was the third occasion in 2014 that I was blown away by a Nepali's interview. Paras Khadka was mighty impressive after Nepal's heroic achievements, Priyanka Karki seemingly took professionalism (among Nepali celebrities) to a different level by flaunting her ideas and skills during her interview and this was perfect icing on the cake.

Only a complete lunatic would pack his bags and move back without properly thinking over making a concrete decision of this sort. Dr. Wagle certainly wasn't one and he knew what he'd set himself up for. He's well qualified, experienced, and certainly had decent savings off his earnings before he took a bold and ambitious decision. In the long run, he'll definitely achieve more. What truly amazed me was his mantra of being content with what he already has (as far as superficial goods is concerned).

Slowly but surely, "new Nepal" seems to be taking shape. I mean, a thuggish leech like Ganesh Thapa got ousted. It's not evident when you compare two contrasting worlds - Nepal and US/any other first world country, but people seem to be yearning for a change/revolution (as proven by eagerness and turnout in recently concluded elections).

प्रचंडे, ओली, बामदेव अनि कमल थापा जस्ता भुस्याहा कुकुरहरुलाइ भकुरेर डाक्टर वाग्लेजस्ता मान्छेहरु देश बिकासमा लागेपछि नेपाल बिकसित नहुने सम्भावनै छैन! धेरै सच्च्यम अनि जागरुक नेपालीहरु लागि परेपछि देश बिकास किन हुन्दैन? हाल हरेक सालजस्तो विभिन्न बिस्वबिद्यालयहरुबाट उच्च सिच्च्या हासिल गरेका नेपालीहरु फ़र्किराछन!

त्यै ढल मिसिएर कालो भएको बागमती त राम्ररी बग्न थालिसक्यो!
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