Posted by: SAP Dude December 9, 2014
अमेरिकामा डलर बचाउने ६० उपायहरू--सानुबाबु सिलवाल
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Suggestion is legit if you LOVE saving money to that level. You have to love something you are doing in order to get the satisfaction worth the hard work. Otherwise if you are just working this hard just to save it can nothing but a torture for yourself.

I look to minimize my energy bills and gas consumption too but i do it less to save money and get rich and more to not wasting energy where i can.

Saving $5 each on that extra electricity bill for 4 roommates is just nonsense. Cutting coupons really??? what immigrant here, especially a Nepali immigrant has time to cut coupons? would not her rather go "ghanta hanna" than cut coupons and save cents???

I am tired of seeing those Cheap Coupon cutting less and buy by your means and if you want to get rich, invest in education or business but at the same time spend your energy and time on something that is worth and not on saving few cents here and there.

Here are my some tips for savings:

1. Dont buy anything you DO NOT NEED just because its on sale.
2. Don't buy, buy 1 get 1 deals unless you need both. Most likely you dont need 2
3. Dont spend too much in Booze and Ganja.
4. Dont spend too much in clothes and gadget. Dont be the first one to buy new cool stuff.
5. Always look for higher paying job at your level. Dont settle, keep on looking.
6. Quit wasting time on saving pennies here and there.
7. Dont be that Cheap B%^$tard everyone hates.
8. Live by your means and hold your head high as long as you don't look for someone else to pay for your booze, cigs, rent, lunch, gas, and utilities bills.
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