Posted by: fountaindew August 26, 2014
kasto j payo tehi article...
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While it's a little generalized and maybe short sighted in a few places including the demeaning title of the article, I don't think the article is totally inaccurate if you guys think about it.For example.
I own a house. But do I really? I pay the mortgage, the bank owns the house. Same with cars
I go to the beach but do I really own a condo near the beach? The opulence and fun shared in facebook photos is simply misleading. Everytime I go to Nepal I feel poor compared to people who stayed back and now work in Banks and own businesses. They spend money like crazy and visit different countries once every year.
Bottomline, I probably will never make it beyond the middle class in the US (unless I win a lottery). I will have a house after paying 30 years of my mortgage, a couple of nice cars all paid off. But that's about it, and the truth is that I will be working my ass off until the day I retire.
But besides that, I'm quite happy, because regardless of where you are, working hard is important. I don't know how I would have done back in Nepal, Maybe good.. maybe bad.. I don't know and I don't even think about it because my destiny was to pursue the American dream and that's what I'm after and will be till my last breath.

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