Posted by: jubigauchan August 11, 2014
Simple Rules
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One Point Films Presents “Simple Rules”


Simple Rules


Executive Writer: RJ Si

Writer & Editor: Juda de Leon

Cast – Characters:

Kim as Kim

RJ Si as Aryan

Jen as Jenny

Chris D as Jon

Juda de Leon – Johnny

Liza A. Cooper as Lauren

Brittany Figueroa as Office Girl

Juda starring in the lead role

Juda starring in the lead role

Opening Scene:

(Shows places like Time Square with people walking & buildings etc.)


Scene 1:  Around 2:00pm at Bryant Park, Kim is walking and talking on the phone with jenny.


Kim: Hey, where are you? I am here already.

Jenny arrives (Taps Kim from the side)

Jenny: Hey, how are you my beautiful friend! (They hug)

Jocelyn Heaps

Jocelyn Heaps

Kim: I’m good! I still can’t believe I just graduated high school, and am going to start college in 2 days. I’m so happy, finally, to be in college!

Jenny: Awesome. I’m so happy for you! Anyways what are you doing tonight? Do you want to go to the bar?

Kim: Ummmm… I don’t party like I used to. I am a changed person now (laughs). I just want to focus on college.

Jenny: Oh come on ..we haven’t meet long time..lets go! Please! please

Kim: Ok! What time are we going?

Jenny: yaya.. I will pick you up at 8:30pm. Just be ready when I’m there ok? (Jenny sings “Tonight’s Gonna be a Good Night”)


Scene 2: ( Bar Scene) Jenny & Kim walking inside the bar.


Jen Elyse

Jen Elyse

Jenny: Tonight I’m gonna party hard. Let’s get wasted..Yeahhhh!


(Jenny & Kim are dancing)

Jenny & Kim come back to get the drink. Someone covers Jenny’s eyes from her back. Jenny turns around.

Johnny: Surprise! (They hug)

Jenny: You are late! I told you to be here on time  Exactly at 9pm. Look! what time is it? (angry/pissed)

Johnny: Hey,I am sorry, it’s just my friend was taking so damn long that’s why we are late.

Jenny: Who?

Joney: He is outside on the phone.

(Aryan walks in)

Aryan: Sorry I took so long. It was an urgent call to my client.

Johnny: Man leave work behind when you are with me and these beautiful ladies. (To Kim) So you are Jenny’s friend?

Jenny: Oh yeah..sorry I forgot to introduce you guy. This is Kim.

Johnny: I am Johnny as you may have known (shake hands) and this is my friend, Aryan. Mr.Workacholic. His work is like his girlfriend. (Everyone laughs)





Scene 3: All of them are walking, Aryan is on phone.

Kim: I had so much fun tonight.

Aryan: Oh good. (Not paying attention)

Kim: How about you? You had fun?

Aryan: I’ m sorry, I’m doing something related to job.

Kim: Oh …well working hard is good but how can you forget about other things like friends, family and just having fun? Shouldn’t we all  be living to the fullest, doing multiple things rather than doing just one thing?

(Aryan looks up, Kim smiles and leaves)

Scene 4: Kim and Jenny are at a restaurant talking.

Kim: Thank God we got there on time! I thought we were going to be late!

Jenny: Well we got there pretty fast! Hey, how’s college going by the way?

Kim: College is going well you know …

Jenny: Are you going to college for modeling? I remember you told me you wanted to be a model.

Kim: Yeah, but I see no future in that, even my parents don’t want me to do it, they want me to be a doctor, not a model.

(Lauren is behind Kim) Overhearing what she just said, she turns and says:

Lauren: If you really want to be a model, why don’t you start it?

Kim: Excuse me? Do I know you?

Lauren: I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation; you see I’m a mentor for girls who want to be models.

Kim Michelle

Kim Michelle

Lauren: Well, I work for a modeling agency that does various magazines, music videos, ads. And at this time we are in need of fresh faces.

Jenny: Really? No shit?

Lauren: No shit, here is my clard. well we having an audition this Wednesday at … .at 12pm. See you there.

Jenny: should go.

Kim: I can’t; I have class that day. You know I cant just cut class like high school in college. Anyways I gotta go..bye!


Scene 5 : Kim is walking and Aryan walking towards her , they both busy texting…they bump each other and say to her.


Simple Rules

Simple Rules

Kimmy: im so sorry

Aryan:  its allright …Hey kimmy rightl? Do you remember me? We met at the party.Jenny’s boyfriend friend.

Kim: Oh hey. how you doing ?

Aryan: pretty well where are you going?

Kim: College. i go to BMCC

Aryan: great ..What do you majoring on ?

Kim: Medical Science.. what about you? What do you do?

Aryan: i am a salesperson. sales things online.

Kim: oh cool. You must like to love your job

Aryan: actually this is not what I want to do. (Sadden)


Aryan: Just like everyone, I wanna be someone….. ..when i was in Virginia. I heard alot about New York. that this is place where the dreams come alive where really the things happen thats y i came here .finish my college n got my degree..thought i made it but the truth is i still have to go long way. im still working on my dream the same time  working hard to pay my college loan.

Kim: Aww,

Aryan: l know i will make it one day bcoz my god is with me

Kim: sure you will.

Aryan: Well can we meet up next time and have more conversation coz im getting late for work.

Kim: soon Saturday! im getting late too..see u soon..bye aryan.

Aryan is looking at her & smiling and says “Damn I forgot to ask for her number”


Scene 6: Johnny and Aryan are walking around the city.


Johnny: Damn look at that girl right there, man she is so hot!

Aryan: Hey, you forgot that you got a girlfriend.

Johnny: So what? You don’t like to eat outside sometimes? (Laughs)

Aryan: (Laughing) Man, you’re never gonna change. Anyways, how is your job?

Johnny: It’s pretty awesome, I love my work.

*(Foreshadow: He was fighting with his job and is getting fired)*

Aryan: Nice, keep it up.

Aryan receives a call, it’s from his job.

Aryan: Johnny, I gotta go. Duty calls. And,by the way, don’t forget to ask Jenny for Kimmy’s number.

They shake hands and leave.

Joney: Who is Kim? Oh yeah.


Myrka Irais as Kimmy

Myrka Irais as Kimmy

Scene 7:  Kim is in class when she gets a text.

Text: Hey this is are we still going out on Saturday?

Kim smiles……

Scene 8: Kim & Aryan are walking and laughing..

Kim: Anyway you didn’t tell me how you got my number ?

Aryan: It might sound funny but i got it from Facebook. (Laughs)

Kim: What? hahaha really?

Aryan: Yeah (Laughs) I told Johney to ask his gf for your number , but he never text me the number so i thought why dont i looked for you on facebook luckily your number was there on your about me.

Kim: your are crazy n lucky

Aryan: sometime i am. Hey let me show another nice place.

They hanging out and go from place to place.


Giftzy Berry

Giftzy Berry

Scene 9: ( They are talking on the phone)

Aryan: You are so beautiful, you should be a model.

Kim: You think so?

Aryan: got that look and that beauty.

Kim: But I don’t know where to start and I have also lost the opportunity when I was asked last time.

Aryan: (Browsing in craiglist to find an audition) Well, there is audition on Saturday at 11pm in Manhattan. You should go. Give it a try.

Kim: ok i will go if you say so ..thank you.

Aryan: no problem and good luck.


Scene 10: (Audition day ) Everybody is sitting in big room.

Jon: Hi everyone, I am Jon, the modeling counselor, i am glad that people like you still believe in yourself..never stop believing in yourself! Just do what makes you happy. There are going to be times when we fail and also times when we win..don’t attract to failure…attract to victory. So with that I wish everybody all the best and hope you never give up.

 Dina Maria Agudelo

Dina Maria Agudelo

Scene 11: (Kim in office)

Office girl: Nice photograrphs. You will definitely get chance to be in this industry. You will get your first modeling chance as soon as you pay the registration fee. That is only $600.

Scene 12: ( Walking on street, thinking aboutt it) and she gets a call from Aryan

Kim: Hello

Aryan: How was your audition? Did they select you?

Kim: Yeah

Aryan: Awesome. I am so proud of you. I cant wait to see you in the magazine. Ok I gotta go back to work bye

Scene 13 (Two days after)

Aryan (“Today I am gonna tell Kim that I am falling for her. I just cant keep it in me anymore”)

Kim is waiting for Aryan

Aryan: Kim (she looks back) So what did you want to see me about?

Kim: I don’t want to see you anymore.

Aryan: What? What do you mean? You are kidding right?

Kim: No, I’m serious, we are never going to see each other again. I’m so sorry sorry..(she leaves)

Music video—


Brittany Figuero

Brittany Figuero

Scene 14 (Aryan, Jenny, and  Johnny are at the bowling alley)

Johnny: So what happened to you these days? Always have that sad face on, what is really wrong with you?

Jenny: My friend Kim is also so sad these days. Ever since she got scammed by that modeling agency she just cries everyday and doesn’t pick up my calls.

Aryan: What? She got scammed ?

Jenny: Yeah she never told you?

Aryan: No …


Scene 15 (Kim at College)

Kim Is walking and Aryan is in front sitting.

Aryan: Why didnt you tell me what happened with you at the modeling agency?

Kim: Because I didn’t want to! (She is walking away)

Aryan: Kim, I’m sorry that I put you through this but everything I did was for you, because i care about you alot and I think I’m falling for you.

(Kim stops)

Aryan: Yes it is true.  I know you don’t have money to pay for your college so I paid it already. I can do anything for you but I can’t go away from you (Crying)

(They hug)


And happy ending ;)




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