Posted by: evanescence April 5, 2014
Let me tell you a thing about love
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Okay, one more time I thought. Let me test love one more time. And this time I was so much careful yes, I stepped in love and not fell n love, I took precautions, measured decisions, calculated actions. That should have done the trick! I set my plan in action. That boy that I had crush from since kindergarten to grade 9 (I was distracted by Mr.Rockstar on grade 10 and he turned out to be a jerk) and in college too, I wondered if we would make a good couple. He was 5’7, me 5’4ish, he was build up and well I was also……. healthy, we were good together..Err.. You know what lets use the word fine. And my god, did I feel butterflies whenever I saw him and I mistook those tinkling tumbling feeling(bloody butterflies) to be love, one common fault of human heart( teenage mostly).You see, everything was going as planned. He asked me out. I said yes, of course not immediately! And you should have seen me making him chase me when actually I was hunting him! Poor fella, didn’t have a clue.

After having him said that he likes me and then having acted to think over the matter and then agreed as planned, we were a jolly couple for two years. We would go on dates which were movies mostly and like a lady I would let him be the gentleman and pay all the bills. I was such a good girlfriend! No wonder he stuck with me for 2 years. What changed? Well, for one thing the excitement ran out. The fluttering butterflies wandered around aimlessly and while previously those tinkling feeling they gave felt like love now they only reminded me of hunger. You should know that I am a huge food lover and since the tinkling feeling also claimed it was hunger and not stupid love, I began to adore momos and icecreams more than I adored him. That laugh of his which I used to find adorable suddenly turned disgusting to me. Oh holy, I couldn’t even bear the sight of his teeth. But since I was a good nah great girlfriend, I couldn’t just cut the poor fella lose and tell him to go bother somewhere else so being the great girlfriend I was, I tolerated him. Oh but god, did he make it difficult! I would have to talk myself to stop from breaking his teeth so I just told him to smile less. Told you I was a good girlfriend.

On our second anniversary, he came with roses but the biggest gift to me was when he said and I quote “you know I don’t think we are working anymore “. He was so nervous and he took so long to blurt out those words that I thought I would get old and die and rot but when he finally said it all oh holy, the joy! But being a good girlfriend, I held the joy and stopped myself from dancing so I just shaked his hand and patted his shoulder and said “all is well” like a normal good girlfriend would do.I don’t know why he looked so surprised. Ah, what do I care now. It’s been years since that accident and both of us have grown. Looking back and looking at him now ( oh yes still the disgusting teeth) , all I can think is, is it possible that all that while when I felt those butterflies in my tummy when I saw him was I hungry instead? Ah, love is too overrated anyway!
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