Posted by: _____ November 19, 2013
Something to ponder upon
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More I read these posts more i believe the non existence of the god.

Let’s start with the oldest text mentioned here,


 Almost 80% (my approximation) of Ved talks about life, nature, civilization, society, human behavior etc etc, 20% talks about god and that too not of a god which most ppl perceive. 

 Most probably they were talking about Higgs boson particle, which is present everywhere, which can’t be seen (not yet) can’t not be touched

This particle is responsible for introducing mass to sub atomic particles. There will be no life, no universe, no nothing if there is no mass, and Higgs Boson gives mass to everything. May be they were talking about this mighty particle, which has no structure, no shape. Which is no male, no female, has no colour and yet exists everywhere? This particle fits the definition of the god in ved.

 Now let me talk about each religion


Some claim it to be oldest (who cares). As it is one of the oldest, it has accumulated many shortcomings through times, introduced by many manipulators who manipulated this religion for personal gain.

 Manipulation is such that ppl started to think book of history (Mahabharata, Ramayana) etc as religious books. These books although contains quite a few good things are not religious books at all. 

Kisna and Ram, they are not god. They are historic figures, played some role during their era, contributed to the society and died, that's all.


 Almost as old as Hinduism, their religious books too sounds merely books of history rather than the religious book.

PPl found they can do business using this book, started to introduce manipulation. 

Till date if you are orthodox Jew you don't have to do compulsory military service in Israel, you are tax exempt and you get government funding. And they make many kids, what else you want present day society if you are lazy? Just become a orthodox Jew and you are safe.

 Cunning ppl have made Hindu and Jews religion a commodity which they sale to non suspecting ppl, make profit out of it. 

Most recent example is Asa Ram Bapu and his family in India, they were exploiting the religion. for personal fun.


A derivative religion of Jew, Jesus Christ modified Old Testament and developed New Testament. And the bible written many years after his death added so many fictions about Jesus Christ so that they can sale this to innocent ppl.

Christianity became most powerful religion in the world after 500 years of its coining by 1000 Ad it even tackled and finally successfully bring down the Roman Empire. Power of kings was lesser than the power of Priests at times. It engulfed entire Europe and Europe entered into a dark era. Scientific thoughts were prohibited and punished. 

Giordano Bruno had the audacity to even go beyond Copernicus, and, dared to suggest, that space was boundless and that the sun was and its planets were but one of any number of similar systems: Why?? There even might be other inhabited worlds with rational beings equal or possibly superior to us.

For such blasphemy, Bruno was tried before the Inquisition, condemned and burned at the stake in 1600. Galileo was brought forward in 1633, and, there, in front of his "betters," he was, under the threat of torture and death, forced to his knees to renounce all belief in Copernican theories, and was thereafter sentenced to imprisonment for the remainder of his days.

Entire Europe was suffering from the terror of Christianity. They also ended up colonizing 25% of the world.

Thanks to many brave Europeans, Europe got out of grip of the Christianity and civilization moved dramatically forward. 


Watching the video many ppl posted here and reading what Koran says about the god, Islam looks like a derivative religion of Hinduism.

Christian modified Old Testament (of Jews) to create New Testament. Looks like whoever wrote Koran took basic concept of god from Hindu books (apparently Ved, Mahabharat) and modified here and there to create new religion. Koran also shows signs of inputs from old and New Testaments.

Presence of Jewish historical and mythical materials  in the Koran. however there are many error in Koran while mentioning Jews historical accounts that suggests that he received those  information orally, and probably from men who had no great amount of book-learning themselves.

Similarly inclusion of many stories from Christian bible with different details indicated that existence many different version of Christian biblical stories at the time of Mohammad. and he might have received orally one of the popular versions of that time.

Koran sound like a concoct of different religion that is why it is very easy to manipulate. I am sorry to say that Islam is most manipulated religion at present. 

Power hungry Muslims ( they might have seen economic benefit too) Immediately after the death of Mohammad  manipulated about his successor and shia and sunny faction were created. And we all know at present in Iraq there is war going on between two. 

Asad of Syria is supported by Iran (shia) and opposed by Sunni (Saudi Arab).

Similarly there is a rift between shia (majority) and Sunni ( minority but, ruling clan ) in Baharin.

Present day there is a power struggle going on between Shia and Sunni in Islamic world. 

So, having one book (unmodified) did not bring any good to the religion, it suffered the same fate as other religion.

Think about id there is only one website, one television, only one news paper how boring the world be who is in  the power will always try to manipulate the situation in his favor.

If Koran is a science, Think about if there is only on book that describes physics, chemistry, biology math etc ect. How boring would it be? Not possible isn't it.

Always different thought/multiple personalities are required to move the civilization forward. We already know how One Bible domination froze the development. So one book in its original form is not a matter of pride.

A book written thousands of yrs ago can not be used to run the present day society. The book has become obsolete. Its correct place is the museum. Main problem of the Islam is this. Islam is one of the most manipulated religion and Muslims are suffering a lot because of this.

Regarding the Koran raveled to Mohammed by god is totally laughing stuff. 

The concept of god which existed in Hinduism almost 2000 yrs before Mohammed and historical accounts which Bible and Talmud already describes need not be revealed. Even if he was illiterate he could receive this orally from a person who knows it fully or partially. You don't need to be illiterate to listen to some one. In Neplai villages lots of Illiterate Nepali ppl know about Mahabharat and Ramayan even though they can’t read and write.

Now it is established that earth revolves round the sun. It was confirmed in 16th century. Now some illiterate guy from Nepal come forward and says, god revealed me that earth revolves round the sun not otherwise as mentioned in the bible, how laughable will that be. 

Any educated person can convince an illiterate villager that earth revolves round the sun and he could choose to believe that. It is that simple. He doesn’t need to be a student of science to believe that. 

All so called god/prophet etc etc, be it be Kisna/Mohammed/Jesus or whoever always say only me, no one else. This concept perfectly fits the definition of a Dictator in present day.

And saying that "it is the matter of salvation think carefully" is the scare tactics used by cunning ppl to lure the innocent. If we human need salvation, we need salvation from god and religion not salvation through religion and god.

And god created humans to pray him ?? What a lame reason. If someone creates something for his praise then he is a false god. He must be a namud "chakadi” seeker.

Or may be god can not survive without someone praying him? In that case he needs human, human don't need him. Then again he is a false god.

I am not touching  Budhhism here because Budhha never said he is a god. And he only spread his teachings not in the name of god/gods son/ etc etc

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