Posted by: ProudNepali September 21, 2004
Baseball 04
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Damn..... people think Red Sox are not that all around good team. Don't you guys realize people will prefer to see the Red SOx game to Yankees Game. AX bro.. maybe you do not follow the Statistics. Dude wakeup.... what are you talking about when you say THe Yankees have the better Lineup?? the REd Sox have a good Starting Rotation only?? and that a team cannot win with just a good starting rotation + that example of the Atlanta BRaves?? Bro.. you got relax and stop cracking the craps here. At least not against the BOSOx. THe whole world knows REd SOx have one of the best Starting rotation to go with One of the best Lineups. And oh can now add the Bullpen also. Talking about Batting Lineup? Who do you think is gonna win the AL MVP?? 1. Manny 2. Ortiz 3. Sheffield 4. Jeter. 5. Mora Don't you know that REd SOX has the second best Batting Average in the Whole League? Don't you know The Red SOx have the Most Runs Scored? Don't you know THE REd SOX are the 4th most HR hitting team (mostly because of the High Green Monster taking away a lot of HR hits)? Don't you know Our defense had improved incredibly after the mid-season? Don't you know our bench players are also amongst the best in the league? ANd the Starting Rotation.. you guys had spoken out right. Who is gonna win the AL Cy young Award? 1. C. Schilling 2. J. Santana. 3. M. Mulder. 4. P. Marinez. 5. K. Rogers. Besides, our starting rotation lead (if not must be second) in ERA. We also have the most games ( I guess ) won by the starters combined. So, 1, 2 punch with Pedro and Schilling with a mixed variety of SINKERS and KNUCKlLEBAlls from Lowe and Wakefield.. who can survive the wrath of the RED SOX in the post-season Series. Yeah, throw Big-Unit in the Yankees Rotation and they can give us some competition. By the way don't the Yankees' have one of the most vulnerable starting rotation in the AL? I know Yankees faithful were swallowing their saliva during the mid-season.... in hope that they might be able to land Big-Unit. Instead they end up briningin Loaiza. Supposed to be a great pick but........ is he even in the rotation now? And another good reason for the Yankees to cheer about is the Loss of NOMAr. But what they didn't realize is that THe BOSTON REd SOX play as a team and not as individuals. AX was saying that we do not have a good team cHemistry. What does that refer to?? Comments made by Millar in the off-season?? come on .. he was being very honest about his opinions. Our players support each other like nobody else. You see one player hit a game changing hit and the whole team will come out of the DUG Out to congratualte him. Similarly, when a pitcher have a good outing, everybody will cheer for him. You put someone in the lineup for one single game, he will play his best. Damn.. that's what you meant by team chemistry. And MOST IMPORTANlY to the Yankees fan. Even though we lost the series this weekend, We still have the lead in the year; Boston Red SOx: 9 NY Yankees : 7 THree more to go. Do I need to say MORe?? GO Boston go. COwboys Up. Jai Nepal
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