Posted by: bizquix September 11, 2013
किन हामी अरु बन्न खोज्छौ ?
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I have tried to answer your question based on my experience and opinion. One suggestion I can share with you is- get out of your comfort zone, and try to experience the world. There are different ways to promote culture and community. Technology in a sustainable way is where the world is moving towards so that everybody in the world can have a descent life style.

म न्यू यॉर्क मा बस्छु , एहा सारा दुनिया भर का मान्छे भेट हुन्छन । 
Queens को इमिग्रेंट हरु को बस्ती मा बस्ने हुदा अमेरिकन ( गोरा र काला ) जाती भन्दा देसी, स्पेनिश हरु संग नै धेरै भेट घाट हुन्छ । 
मैले आइले आइले आएर याद गरेको एउटा कुरा , हामी नेपाली हरु एहा आउने बित्तिकै किन आफ्नो संस्कृति , आफ्नो धरातल बिर्सेर अमेरिकन बन्न खॊज्छौ ?-- This is not true. Most people want changes. We would like to experience different culture, style, nature and ambience. This helps one to become smarter as exposure to newer things leads one to think in different ways; brain neurons develop in the process. Importance of being smart is to help others and to make this world a better place to live.  


मैले चिनेको एउटा बंगाली अमेरिका आएको 22 बर्ष जती भएको छ । उसको छोरी जो एहा जन्मी हुर्की उ घर बस्दा प्राय जसो कुर्ता सूरवाल मै हुन्छे , उसको येही जन्मेको अमेरिकन छोरो को भाषा कुनै भर्खर बंगाल बाट आएको बंगाली को भन्दा कम छैन ।। तर मैले चिनेका थुप्रै नेपाली परिवार का बुदि बुदि आईमै हरु कुनै अबसर मा बाहेक कुर्ता साड़ी को नाम लिदैनन , झाऊ लाग्चा रे , बच्चा हरुलाइ सकी नसकि अंग्रेजी बोल्न लगाउछ्न ।।
--That is okay. Unless you are a woman, you would not know how much you have to struggle to wear that saree..seriously! Maybe one day you will get into fashion, and figure out an easy way to wear a saree. ..English is a common languague that will help the kids to share their ideas, and to learn new things in future. World will certainly be a different place when the kids grow up. I am sure they would want to learn more about Nepali culture in a different way from how we learned growing up. 


अगि मैले दिएको बंगाली परिवार मात्र हैन न्यू यॉर्क माँ अरु तेस्तै धेरै थाउ का मान्छे छन , ब्रुकलिन गयो भने साना साना jews का बच्चा हरु आफ्नो पहिरन लगाएर घुमि रहेका हुन्छन ।। 
हामी लाइ मात्र किन तेस्तो wanna be हुन पर्ने ?? 
-- You need to ask jews family how they do it. If they want to do it that way, that's fine. I find it much comfortable to wear shorts and t-shirts than to wear dauruwal and suruwal. Once in a while I do not mind and infact love to share nepali vogue to the folks outside Nepali culture- it's fun!

बर्ष मा एक दिन दशैं र तिहार मान्दैमा , ana मा गएर भाग लिदैमा र म नेपाली भनेर फेसबुक मा ठूला ठूला पोस्ट गर्दैमा हामी नेपाली हुञ्छौ?
-- Most of us probably would like to be the citizen of world rather than just being a citizen of one nation. That's how I view it. Open up your mind dude!

अगि धत्तुआ भन्ने जंतु ले अर्को थ्रेड मा भने जस्तो म भगवान मान्दीन ,हिन्दू धर्म ठीक छैन रे , जन्मेर येत्रो हुन्झेल मानेको धर्म अब उसलाई घाड़ो भो । संसार कै समृद्ध साली देस जो हरेक कुरा मा भगवान को अर्थ लाइ समेत challange दिन्छ , भगवान को अस्तिस्तो माथि नै प्रस्न गर्छ, उसको पैसा मा भगवान को नाम छ , राष्ट्रपति ले भाषण गर्दा भगवान् ले रक्ष्या गरुन भन्छ अणि हाम्रो देस जून भगवान् भरोसा माँ चल्छ उस्कै बासी को येत्रो नाटक ??
- Concept of GOD is a philosophical discussion which is already ingrained in world's societies. Anything philosophical must be discussed with time, because things change over time that makes people change over time. A mathematician might infer Math as a GOD, a scientist might call Science as GOD, a priest might call his Belief as GOD.. since president is involved in different aspects of life, it's just easier for him to call GOD as GOD. Word "GOD" lets us surrender ourselves to one thing in the world that we would not have done it otherwise. Psychologically and socially this is beneficial as this makes you be friendly.

हामी किन हामी भएर एहा बस्न सक्दैनौ?? हामी किन आफ्नो भाषा भेस संस्कृति लाइ अंगीकार गरेर अगाडी बडन सक्दैनौ ?? के हाम्रो संस्कृति तेती नराम्रो छ की एअरपोर्ट छोड़ने बित्तिकै बिर्सन पर्छ ? के हामले बच्चा देखि मानी आएको भगवान् तेती नराम्रा छन की एहा पस्ने बित्तिकै म तलाई मान्दिन भन्न पर्छ ?? 
I am just tired of this wanna be american Nepali people.
-- Don't worry about how others behave. If you like to live in a specific Nepali way- with nepali language, vogue, and culture- please feel free to do it your own way. All of us are living in our own way. Nothing wrong with Nepali culture, we simply would like to embrace in different ways.

Keep writing what's in your mind. Reading people's ideas will help you think better. Be careful how you express your emotions in writing, because it is not obvious to read people's emotions in text. Take a practical approach. Thanks

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