Posted by: bittertruth August 20, 2013
Can anyone explain my mental problems?
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Many of your health and mental problem arises because of the gut problems.
Fix your gut, fix your health.
Gastritis or intestinal disorder is considered cause of several anxiety attacks out there.
Over time, it causes severe mental issues. We are so accustomed to processed foods, hectic lifestyle,
stressful working environment etc out there,
we ain't even sure what is causing what problems to us. We are so deficient of natural nutrients
that bad bugs get chance to proliferate causing weird health problems.
And, we turn to OTC or prescription drugs to mask the problems instead of finding the root cause.
Believe me, many times, your doctor can't even diagnose what the root problem is.

Think your intestine as a highway to good health, when mucos lining in it is disrupted with pathogens
or some parasites, we won't be able to absorb nutrition vital to our adjacent organs. Moreover, it greatly
disturbs the wellbeing and hormonal balance. Autoimmune then triggers and constantly hammers our own
body. This cycle runs and overtime without doing much we feel like we are tired, over burnt and fatigue all
time. You could be asymptomatic to any root cause of the problem. Rather it may manifest as mental
problems, adrenaline fatigue or gastritis. In some cases, with no obvious gastritis symptoms.
Usually, any imbalance caused by your gut problems show problems in various organs of your body.
So, instead of trying to fix those superficially , try to fix your root problem that is your GUT.
Believe me, once you fix your gut, all those problems all over your body will dissolve. My chinese chiropracter
said so and I had that enlightenment moment realizing how important it is to keep your gut healthy. It indeed
is the root of wellbeing. Any problems in there, you name it, various disease surfaces in different forms and names.

Here, I'd like to challange every single reader of this post to go and check for comprehensive stool test, including
"H. Pylori bacterium". Believe me, anyone having issues/not having issues, you'll find what critters are there and
what they're doing.  Of all these, H.Pylori is the vicious and benign-like but silently killing you or making you mentally
retarded or dementia or even unexpected cancer later in the life.
This bug doesn't cause any problems, no visible symptoms but mild irrelevant symptoms like mental retardness,
anxiety, fatigue, lack of confidence, mood swings, tiredness, dementia etc. Some obvious symptoms are there like
GERD etc but most live with this bug only to be confronted by vicious disease later in the life. Go, eradicate your
stomach bugs first, change diet and then give yourself few months and see the difference. Your mental bipolarness
, retardness, panic and anxiety attacks will be the case of distant memories. Don't believe me? do it and then come
back and tell me, I'm ready to bet :) 

Besides, Meditation is a very powerful self consoling mechanism and has tremendous but permanent placebo like effect
to cure yourself.

Just do these, you'll thank yourself you did.

Good health to you all :) 

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