Posted by: rethink May 10, 2013
Racist Encounter at the White House :A Bad Time to be Brown in America?
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Freedom your thinking is inherently flawed and wreaks of inferiority complex when you say that white people are a superior race. If you believe they are superior to you then you must be bowing down to them all the time. You already bow to christian god, I guess you will bow down to any white person since they are superior to you according to your own statement.

You say  "I come from a country where still today if your father is a DSP or minister you can break the law, even rape , rob and steal. I have got nothing to show that i come from a progressive country. So why should i fake it?."

There is no need to fake anything. Maybe you are a faker faking your religious belief and bowing down to another human being just because of his color but in reality, you do not need to fake anything. You just realize that you are a human being and if there is inherent problem with some practices you can make a statement that such a thing is wrong. There is nothing wrong with accepting that raping, robbing, stealing is bad.

You talk as though powerful white people do not break the law and get away with it. You talk as though white people do not rape, rob and steal. How lowly human being are you to bow down to another race. Don't you have any sense of personal pride as a free and educated human being? 

According to your asinine logic, if you come from an Arab country where girls cannot even go to school, then you would find no problem with some fanatic arab father killing his own daughter in the US because she seems to be wayward to her religion. So you would say he shouldn't fake it. Right?

You have accepted that you took up christianity in another thread. In this thread you have accepted that the white race is superior to you. मलाई त यो नाथे नेपाली हो कि होइन भन्ने संका लाग्न थाल्यो| तिमि नेपाली त हौ? कि भारतीय अथवा क्रिस्टियन एजेन्ट हौ?  नेपाली हो भने नेपालीमा जवाफ दिने कस्ट गर्नु नत्र भने बुझ्नु पर्ने सबै कुरा प्रस्टै छ|
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