Posted by: _____ January 8, 2013
Religion: What should it contribute?
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 @ vhootee,

Again, said by people who still debate if beef should be allowed to sell in the country. Start small. Religion should not be the piller to introduce a law which goes to the saying of separation of church and state. In that context, if you believe it that they should be separated, then beef should be allowed to people who wants to eat them. No single law (made out of single belief, religion) should be enforced to every other people. So instead of yammering all your intellectual thoughts here in sajha and pasting from wikipedia, please move forward with something small, LET THERE BE BEEF on the streets of Nepal. Say YES to COW MEAT 

LOL, that typwe of thoughts come when you do not think out of the box, think traditionally, My friend one requirement for success in life is to open eye/ ear and thought process . 
What I have said in that posting is 

I was In Isrsael a jewish country by constitution. Jewish dont eat pork. Minority are muslims in Israel Muslims also dont eat pork but in market you can buy pork
because christians also live in Israel, Russian jews they also eat pork so to serve them pork is avaiulable in market.

Israel is considered to be striclty a jewish state based on jewish values and practice  and in Judaism pork is not eaten. Even in that country it is ok to sell the pork, nothing happens to the religion, then why we are crying if someone is serving beef in Nepal? That was the message I wanted to deliver.

I was in Malaysia , a muslim country by constitution but in market you can buy pork
because chines do live in malaysia which are either christians or budhhist or taoist or atheist they eat pork so to serve them pork is avilable.

You know how strict are muslims about pork in India and pakistan, but Malaysia, another muslim country pork is available in the market where muslims shop
And guess what because of this openness Malaysia  and Israel are able to provide job to hundreds of Neplais. Indians and Pakistanis.So in a jewish country it is ok to sell pork, In a muslim country its ok to sell pork and ina secular country , Nepal it is not ok to sell Beef?
That was the message I wanted to deliver

If you want to know about one of the pig farm in Malaysia, let me give a link of Wiki,, if you read this you will find governement is helping a pig farm. For religius fanatics it can be the source civil war in the country. 
From that posting I think people from different background got different message. The way you took message from that posting I can see from what background you came from.

That is what happens when peoples thoughts are influenced by their culture/religion and practice. 
For your information When I first ate beef, I dont feel anyhting, it was just a meat for me. I have eaten horse meat, when I first ate, it was also just a meat, nothing else.
Had fun eating toad in China. I order fried toad. After 2 minutes waitress took me to an aquaraium and asked me to choose the toad (live in aquarium) I want. I chose a big toad. after half an hour it was in my dinner table, tasted like chicken. Ate snake soup in China, nothing special.

The only time I feel something was while eating dogs meat in South Korea. In my third visit to south Korea I ate dog ( could not eat dog in my first and second visit). Felt bit odd in my first bite, after that everything was normal.

These are the reality of my life, and you got different message from a posting of a guy who eats almost everything, is not that funny?
In that posting I even tried to tell people that beef is being used in Nepal not only now but almost 20 yeras back. and may be beofre that because I was in one supermarket in Pulchok in 2050, I saw "Rindflisch" which is beef. Who knows since when they started to sell beef? do I care?

But you got totally different message from my posting. Similarly I can see people from different cultural background got different message

Why this happened? because most of the time people dont want to open their thought process. Their ability to get message from something is limited by their religion/cultural background etc.

So my friend, open your thought process. try to think out of the box. dont hide behind the wall of your cultural background and religion.

For many people it was just an apple falling from the  tree, for Newton it was gravity

And that is why some people avoid facts because facts bites them. Subjective discussion you can always get the message you want, which could be far from reality.

regarding my posting from Wiki, if there in no citation i dont post from Wiki, if there is citation, prrof I post from Wiki, Wiki has eveloved a lot . When there is already a built road, you dont need to buit new road for you journy.

When Nature has already given us a brain that can be used properly to achieves somehting you want to achieve you dont need the solace of third party thoughts.

Last edited: 08-Jan-13 07:53 AM
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