Posted by: _____ January 7, 2013
Religion: What should it contribute?
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"copy paste bro"
I dont mind what you call me because my beleive already challanged the existance of god. but by saying "copy paste " you are just expressing your attitude.
I know in another post also you said "copy past" to me  I didnt respond to it because it does not bothers me but now i realized how jesus beliver used to treat fact presenter. 
They spent centuries saying earth is flat. 
They also claim that earth is in the center of the universe but when someone come with the fact that says otherwise they punished him. 
Human civilization was in the first phase, science and technology was not developed so most of the discussions were Subjective at tthat time. In subjective discussion you dont need to produce facts. This situation was perfect for cunning people. Using subjective discussion about anyhting they use to manupulate the laymen for their benefit.
That is why in evey religion religious sect tried to subdue science and technology. They were afraid of facts. They were scared once the fact is produced , that will be  the begenning of the demise of their cunning trick.

I read somewhere that after inagurating Trichanra college. Rana PM Chandra Samsher return to his palace and started to cry. His cousins asked him why are you crying ?
he said based on the public pressure I esabvlished the college but this is the begenning of the end of our rule. The college was established in 1918. and rana dictatership faced the revolution 30 years after.
Dictators, cunning people are always afraid of the facts and they are happy with subjective discussion which they can bend very easily in their favour that is why you are scared of my copy and pasting of facts/ tables which are all over internet.

Whenever facts are available facts should be checked before any subjective discussion. 
What happens if you ignore the fact?
There is a bizzare example of blunder made by one great philospher Aristotle. Aristotle was married twice. But when asked do men and women have same number of teeth or different? 
Aristotle said Womens have less teeth than man. you know why ?
because while eating women chew food more than man (I am not making this up, this really happed to Aristotle.
This was a  conclusion reached wrong way. Direct conclusion should have been like this, Check the teeth of women (he just had to ask his wife to open her mouth and count the teeth, remember he was married twice).  if women really had less teeth then men then their chewing of food more than men is justified.But Aristotle folowed the wrong way to reach the conclusion and at the same time he ignored the simple fact finding process ( counting of teeth.)

So if you ignore the fact you reach to wrong conclusion. and if you dont look for fact you reach wrong concusion
second, subjective discussion about religion started long ago almost 3000 years ago, Budhha examined the  usfullness of Hinduism, found othersie and started  his owm teachings.
Jesus Christ examined  the usefullness of Roman and Judaism found otherise and started a revolution. And after so many years if we still prefer to indulge ourselves into subjective discussion about religion where facts are available then it will be like re inventing the wheel.
for example do we still need to indulge in a discussion about the shape of the earth? just examine the fact 

Yes followers of religion always avoided fact  because facts are against them. 
So Mr. freedom may be you want "freedom" from facts so that you can manipualte people so that they will start to beleive what you belive in.
May be that is why you are calling me "copy past"othersie my copy and pasting does not cost you a penny, copy and pasting does not go against any religion , is not against the law but still you try to avoid it. why ? is there any problem for you just to use my nick? or is it prohibited by the religion you support?

Indulging in subjective discussion where facts are available is like dog chasing his tail, round and round.

having said all this now let me copy paste some facts 

Top 20 poorest countries   2012 2011 2010 % of Christian % b y Muslim
1  Congo $364.48 $348.10 $328.35 95.5  
2 Liberia $490.41 $456.44 $430.98 40%  
3 Zimbabwe $516.47 $487.20 $436.35 85%  
4 Burundi $639.51 $614.52 $589.02 75%  
5 Eritrea $776.98 $735.47 $683.08 62.9  
6 Central African Republic $789.21 $767.62 $746.89 51  
7 Niger $863.46 $771.08 $760.95 5 above 90%
8 Malawi $882.67 $859.85 $821.11 79.9  
9 Togo $926.67 $898.66 $866.36 29%  
10 Madagascar $948.86 $933.60 $932.73 41  
11 Afghanistan $1,007.95 $956.45 $912.22 0.02 99.80
12 Guinea $1,119.53 $1,082.64 $1,049.24 10  
13 Ethiopia $1,135.16 $1,092.63 $1,018.71 64.5  
14 Sierra Leone $1,138.46 $848.82 $809.54 30 70.00
15 Mozambique $1,149.96 $1,084.90 $1,011.22 56.1  
16 Mali $1,173.64 $1,127.52 $1,108.76 5 92.40
17 Guinea-Bissau $1,184.24 $1,144.06 $1,086.95 10 42.80
18 Comoros $1,251.73 $1,231.67 $1,204.43 2.1 0.98
19 Haiti $1,328.41 $1,234.95 $1,163.45 83.7 0.10
20 Uganda $1,341.40 $1,317.26 $1,252.39 88.6 12.00

Now my friend,  20 poorest country they have either muslim or christian majority. Why god is not helping them? Or god just decided to make them poor?

I will chose the topic of donation in next posting but happend to famous religious people who donated to tsunami? arent they supposed to help felow christian or muslims?

The donation for tsunami you claim by christians but you havnt produced any proof thet they were only by Christians. Donation to tsunami effected people was just a show off .
Nepal also donated to tsunami affected people and also to hurricane Katrina affected people of US. but you want either run away from that fact or dont want to listen to it because that fact goes against your understanding. you see how naive you are or may be, how cunning you are

Last edited: 07-Jan-13 07:05 PM
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