Posted by: sidster October 16, 2012
H1B Fraud is Killing America. Act Before too late
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Why hire someone and commit for the pay, benefit, and go through the process of laying off once not needed than hire someone for 3 months and get rid of him if he does not work out. This is the drive for US Corporations. Now the US corporation, IBM for eg,  a big one is not going to do the dirty job himself, IBM will find another company who will do the dirty work of labor abuse and h1 fraud ...then there comes the role for dhoti. A dhoti will either do the dirty job himself or even put a layer next to IBM and find another street dhoti to do all the h1b fraud and dirty work for them. This way if things go sour the clean dhoti will be safe and only the street dhoti gets caught. Now this Street dhoti are the ones who are approaching the new graduates giving them 6 weeks crash course and send them through.

Now, we have two kind of stree dhoti employment aspirants. Lets talk about the ones who worked 60 hrs a week at dhoti's store. Now we all know that these folks never really studied in school. They had a nerd who coded all of their programming homework. Now the Street dhotis are giving those guys a second chance. Now you can learn one subject for 2 - 3 months and tag along with your crappy college degree and call youself a college graduate with a technical expertise. Dhoti will market you with 5 - 6 years of fake resume and you have a job now. This stuff is really good for you.

Now lets talk about the other types who took their schooling seriosly did all their homework, did not work as many hours at the store and is hoping that they would score a job once they graduate. But guess what, when they graduate the whole market has been corrupted wtih fake resume and Dhoti's monopoly in IT industry. This guys is not going to find a job. So the current setting is really bad for such students.

There is no need to notify INS, Embassay or your senators as they all know what has been happening since last 10 years and it is exactly the way they want it to happen. The politicians job is to provide cheap labor to corporations and corporations are getting them with the help of dhoti. If they make the h1b laws stricter the cost of contractors will go from 40 bucks to 80.00. This fraud/abuse is the way that provides cheaper labor. They can showing it to American people that they are following the H1b Guidelines (not being able to hire an American for the job) and they are letting H1b companies do whatever the fk they can to lower the cost.

So this is way beyond pity dhotis and us Nepalese. There is a bigger politics and economics behind it.
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