Posted by: observer August 22, 2004
On Driving
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".......When driving, you are projecting a large, heavy, steel object through space and that's something that ought to be taken seriously. Driving is a task that requires concentration and skill. It is an opportunity to leave all your problems and ego issues behind and let your mind deal with those things at another level while you enjoy one of life's most pleasurable activities. It provides such an opportunity because, when done properly, it demands concentration. It is not an opportunity to fall victim to the illusion of urgency presented by modern "lifestyles." That's right, it just isn't that important to have that conversation right now. If it's important, pull over, then have the conversation. Otherwise wait. I prefer to wait. I don't even answer my home phone while watching a movie, so why in god's name would I answer my phone while driving? As for eating while driving, if you can't spare five minutes in the parking lot after the drive-through to eat that burger, then you should really consider public transport. Much less dangerous to others. If I sound harsh, it's because it is difficult to overemphasize the gravity of the situation. It simply boggles my mind to meet otherwise-intelligent people who are unwilling or unable to wrap their heads around these very simple concepts. Please, please, please, listen to me on this: Put your phone away and eat that meal before or after your drive. The risks involved in not doing so are not worth it. "I've been lucky before," doesn't cut it, "I'm smarter and, therefore, able to handle it," does not cut it, nor do those hands-free systems. It's the concentration. Your mind needs to concentrate on driving. You need to shoot for 100% concentration. That's not always possible, but it's an appropriate goal. And all this applies whether you drive "like me" or not. Learn to drive while you're driving--you'll be safer and you'll enjoy driving more. Let's say it together: 100% concentration. Thinking of very important things while driving--BEST TO AVOID. Eating a meal while driving--BAD. Shaving or applying makeup while driving--INCREDIBLY STUPID. Driving while inebriated--INCOMPREHENSIBLY STUPID. Talking on the phone while driving--INCOMPREHENSIBLY STUPID........." Stole it from a website.
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