Posted by: jantare1 December 21, 2011
Why you should never use Canola oil
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 What cybernepali presented here is from a blog, and it is not necessarilya truth. In fact, most of the arguments are false. 

I'd like to begin with the so called negative effects of GMOs:
1. Toxicity: Read the writers argument; it deserves a big LOL. How is what he/she wrote even relevant? And btw, if GMOs were toxic, you'd be sick or dead by now, because almost all of your food comes from GMOs
2. Allergic reactions: generally, you get allergies when your immune system over reacts to something. Some GMOs might cause allergies, but rarely. Ever heard of people having allergies because of eating tomatoes? They are all genetically modified.
3. Antibiotic resistance: You are eating food for God sake, not transfecting your cells with the tomato or potato cells! They go down the digestive tract, get digested, things get absorbed and the rest are thrown out. GMOs are like any other food (and every other food is genetically modified in some way)
4. Cancer: If GMOs caused cancer, cancer would have already killed more than half of US population. 
5. Immunosuppression: Everything you put in your body is foreign (unless they are your own cells, blood or other genetically related objects. And btw, all foods, whether they are genetically modified or not eventually get expelled.

Talking about Canonla oil, it's not just one oil. It's  a mixture of oil and thus doesn't have one specific molecular formula. If there were just one, i'd post it here to show that it has basically the same molecular structure of any other oil. Canola oil however, is more unsaturated than sunflower or sesame seed oil and thus is considered better because it clogs your arteries less than a sesame seed oil or butter, etc would. The writer says wait 10 years and you'll find the effect. That's a long period of time and there are lots of variables. And I bet you'll get diseases like those by consuming non-modified oils as well.
Issues like these are always raised by people who are not in the science. They are over conscious of their health. They don't find it wrong to eat chicken or beef and even milk produced from animals injected with growth hormone and other steroid hormones, but they fear plants that are genetically modified. 
Life without GMOs is not possible and world will be starving because of lack of food. But there are some ugly sides too - giant companies like Monsanto patenting the seeds, loss of taste while making food more nutritious or bigger, loss of one beneficial characteristic while developing other, etc.

People who eat organic foods might think that their foods are not GMOs, but sorry to say, you are wrong. Organic foods are also genetically modified; they just grow them in organic way i.e. without using chemicals, pesticides, etc. 

We can't escape GMOs and I don't see a reason why we need to. Eat good, do your regular exercises, take enough rest. That's enough to keep you healthy and clear the toxins produced by your body and the toxins you ingest when breathing, eating, drinking, and so on. 

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