Posted by: bittertruth August 27, 2011
Steve Jobs Resigns as CEO of Apple
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 @alece, you directly addressed me so, I'm focusing this say towards you.. 
My brother uses iPhone and I use Android Droid X. I also have android tablet and I do reviews on tech gadgets.
I've used before Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, Sony Ericsson OS, and second generation cell phones back in the days.

I'm not an ardent fan of any technology goliath, but I can't stand those companies which rip you off right under your nose. 
Apple is one of em. I don't want to cramp all the borrowed stuffs from search engines reasoning over here, you are welcome
to do it at your own. 

Microsoft brought the true PC to every home and it's the pioneer on that. Before Apple whatever it was, it's mastermind didn't really
help to bring the computer to masses, Bill Gates did some stuffs which shaped the future of computer and here we are today, 
overclocking, customizing, modding computer at our will. I'm an advocate of free will and with that spirit on, I can enjoy, tinker 
every aspect of computer on my wish. You try that on MAC and share even a single, one single experience to me, I'll stop using 
computer. This is the reality, my friend. 

I nkow you love apple because the iphone you use is very easy to use. It's so easy even a grandma can use it. Yeah, I agree it is easy but It can't give you what an android phone can give and like I said earlier, people don't wanna bother with technical stuffs and to me who don't want to use their brain, they are dork to me. So, every dork's favorite is apple iphone, because it's easy to use. Grandmas and elderlies are exception. :D I can do magic with my droid x. I tried to do with my brother's iphone, it was kind of stiff, locked.. lifeless to me. 

and, HP is not going out of business, it's just changing it's business model. The way you put your judgement reveals you are under 20, raw analysing power with combative attitude. I beg your pardon if you are not under 20 but if you are over 30, you need your psyche evaluation done. No ridicule intended. 


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