Posted by: nepal_tara888 July 12, 2004
Man like Mahendra
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Dear GP, I find you spot on in your analysis if the said Honda Man has discreetly paid for infotainment (information + entertainment). This is a highly manipulative way of public relation exercise to link his business with a cause. It is termed Cause Marketing. One has to beg the question of the e-poster of this item in this thread if he is the chosen one by the said Honda Man. Then again, I find an article by daniel Goleman in harvard business Review March-April 2000 that had the article "Leadership That Gets Results." In summary the article outlines that one should ask any group of businesspeople the question "What do effective leaders do?" and you'll hear a sweep of answers. Leaders set strategy; they motivate; they create a mission; they build a culture. Then ask "What should leaders do?" If the group is seasoned, you'll like hear one response: the leader's singular job is to get ressults. But how? The mystery of what leaders can and ought to do in order to spark the best perfromance form their people is age-old. Inrecent years, that mystery has spawned an entire cottage industry: literally thousands of "leadership experts"have made careers of testing and coaching executives, all in pursuit of creating businesspeople who can turn bold objectives-be they strategic,financial, organisational, or all three-into reality. Still, effective leadership eludes many people and organizations. One reason is that until recently, virtually no quantitive research has demonstrated which precise leadership yeild positive results. leadership experts proffer advice based on inference, experience, and instinct. Sometimes that advice is right on target; sometimes it's not. But new research by the consulting firm hay/McBer, which draws on a random sample of 3871 executives selected from a database of more than 20000 executives worldwide, takes much mystery out of effective leadership. The research found six distinct leadership styles, each springing from different components of emotional intelligence. I will write more on the six styles of leadership. They are Coercive leaders and they demand immidiate compliance. Authoritative leaders mobilize people toward a vision. Affiliative leers create emotional bonds and harmony. Democratic leaders build consensus through participation. Pacesetting leaders develop excellence and self-direction. And coaching leaders develop people for future. The questions then arises what kind of leader was Honda Man? What kind of leader is this chosen one going to be from the blessing of the said Honda Man?
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