Posted by: _____ February 17, 2011
No "NEWARI" Please !!!
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One sentence says it all. This is the Muul mantra. The word “NEPALI” is the mainstay of the Khas dominance. As the word “NEPALI” goes, so goes the Khas dictate.

 LoL I am writing that, because things just don’t pope up in my brain like in yours. You know there is a constitutional assembly in Nepal?? You know it has Newar members elected by KTM people and you know what is written in draft constitution of tomorrow’s Nepal? The draft constitution defines citizens of Nepal as Nepali citizen; they have used Nepali word many times. They also have said “sarkari kamkaaj ko bhasa” is Nepali.LOL, they have used words like “Nepali Nagarik” and in the passport of Nepal is also written bearer of this passport is Nepali citizen.

So, what are you doing to avoid this?? Just coming here and complaining?? Are you going to start a jihad against the use of word”Nepali” in constitution of republic of Nepal?

Have you ever approached the members of constitutional assembly whom you voted, to avoid the use of word Nepali? Tell me? Or your aim is to divide society?

Are you saying that you don’t agree with them and don’t respect the constitution written by people voted by you? May be you want Panchayeti constitution back. You have no option left my friend either accept the constitution or go against it. Which is your way?? If you accept constitution then yes I am saying it loud and clear you can’t avoid using word Nepali even if there is a Newa Rajya. What are you going to do, burn the constitution? Even after doing that you can’t avoid the use of word Nepali. Run my friend run and hide in your own dream instead of facing the reality.

 In the name of democracy and with the help of the rest of subjugated people of Nepal turned the table around and kicked the ruling class hard on the face, fell them to the ground and snatched the reign of power. Now they want to propagate their dominance behind the mask of Democracy.

 This para says who you really are and what you want in reality, haha Thanks for unmasking yourself, a wolf in disguise.

 Still no one has answered me about the definition of what is NEPALI Culture is and what it entail while Dharke has gone deep into flipping the pages of history to copy me the same old story I heard so many time and read them

 At this stage of life if you don’t know what Nepali culture is then you are a lost case,  didn’t you learn anything in school?  didn’t they teach you in school? then go and ask   money back from school. And don’t try to play innocent.

Facts and proper evidences had to be had coming from some real impartiality and reputed institution and needs to be verified and re-verified before we can run with it like Dharke does.

 Lol….. Now you realize it ha?  We need to verify and seek for impartial opinion but don’t you think you need to do the same thing for your claims. If yes then, you have claimed here many things but where are impartial opinion and opinion from reputed institution for your proud claims. Before coming here and claiming something you should have tried, at least, to understand different opinion about your claims. If you had done that youwouldnot be  coming here and proudly derogate certain community and claim so many things, and I wouldn’t have  answerd you.

 Before getting impartial and expert opinion you should at least know the existence of different opinion, when I tried to show you that you started personal attack on me saying, “parrot memory” information recycle” “cut and paste”, monologue, boring etc. That means you knew existence of different opinion and you understand the importance of impartial opinion but with all these knowledge you came here to tell only your side of the story? Where were your values and thoughts at that time? Now you are trying to tell me what democracy is? Once again I say think before what you write. And don’t answer with personal ego. Why don’t you practice your thinking yourself first? Everyone is expected to do so,  no?

 I read them with a grain of salt and I do no believe in hear say and I would not rely too much on it but rather prefer to read between the lines so that ideas and thoughts pop-up in my head and rationale that is more conducive to human logic than reading blindly and memorizing as a parrot.

 Yeah, while reading between the lines you forgot to read the lines themselves and again attacking me. Read between the lines, no problem but don’t forget to read the lines and understand what is written in black and white and don’t extrapolate your understanding.hear say??? lol from where you got you magic number 2000?? were you there with your time machine?? and counted their tuppi? I think while answering me, you are invalidating your own posting, keep it like that I am enjoying it.

 Yeah, you don’t believe in hear say, LOL, but you failed to produce evidence of your claims. You are running after PNS saying him”khas” but someone else already said he is not “khas. Bravo

The level of your intelligence is already understood when  you wrote  “grammatically dis-advantaged” without even trying to find out whether those words (nepalis etc ) exits or not and when some one answered it you refer to “encyclopedia Britannica” Bing, Goggle . Lol …..Were you getting your popped up knowledge from encyclopedia Britannica, and by Bing and Google? If yes then you don’t want to accept any other sources of knowledge like ppl referred to?

 And you have accused me of being “parrot memory”. First, once again, speak for yourself, second, you don’t know me personally,   is your nature to accuse someone without evidence?? Is that the type of democracy you are talking about?  Don’t you even feel that you have responsibility to produce evidence before to use such words against someone? Is that the level of your intelligence, or someone in your dream came and told you that “dharke” has parrot memory, which one is true? you decide and let us know, or may be this is your understanding of reading between the lines? LOL

 I would not rely too much on it but rather prefer to read between the lines so that ideas and thoughts pop-up in my head and rationale that is more conducive to human logic than reading blindly and memorizing as a parrot.

You know first gulf war started because Saddam read just between the lines what American ambassador to Iraq said to him and failed to understand what was written in lines?

When Americans find Iraq was concentrating its forces in border area with Kuwait, US was concerned, US ambassador expressed their concerned to Saddam but also said

But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait. I was in the American Embassy in Kuwait during the late '60s. The instruction we had during this period was that we should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America…….

Instead of reading the lines which were written in black and white Saddam trying to be over smart, read between the lines and come to the conclusion by extrapolating his understanding of between the lines entered into war with Kuwait,  thinking that US will not take Kuwait's side in that war. And you know what happened next.

 So my friend, don’t try to be smart like Saddam, don’t jump into conclusion, don’t claim something without impartial opinion or without recognizing existence of different opinion  don’t  judge others based on your understanding, you think you and your culture is great but that doesn’t mean that your culture is perfect and have no weakness and therefore full proof . That does not mean other cultures are of lesser importance than yours

 You know what is different between citing, copy, paste and cheating?

I don’t claim myself as intelligent as you claimed yourself in your post and things just don’t pope up in my brain and I don’t get DEV bani in my dream,  so I have to seek what different people are saying  Use internet if I find something I use the source and  mention the sourceThat is called “Citing”

But use of others work without mentioning the source is cheating. You mentioned the magic number 2000, but never mentioned the source, you haven’t claimed that it just popped up in you brain and you have not claimed that some one in your dream told you that number. Still you haven’t answered me from where that number came.  So you are cheating aren’t you? If not tell me from where you got that number, save yourself from being a cheater. There are so many claims you made but never dare to give sources.

 And in this reply you said you need impartial opinion and opinion from reputed institution. Thanks god you accepted the existence of different opinion than yours. I don’t hesitate to thank you for accepting existence of different opinion. ------------Once again read below

खोजी पुरानो नेवार बस्तीको----------अमृत भादगाउँले,

शान्तकृष्ण श्रेष्ठ हिजोआज पुरातत्व विभाग धाइरहेका छन्, नेवारहरूको इतिहास खोतल्न।
नेवारहरूको सबभन्दा पुरानो बस्ती दोलखा भएको र उनीहरू त्यहीँबाट काठमाडौं प्रवेश गरेको दाबी गर्दै उनी विगतमा लेखिएको इतिहास सच्याउने अभियानमा जुटेका हुन्। इतिहासविद्हरूले भने नेवार समुदाय काठमाडौं उपत्यकाबाट बाहिरी जिल्लामा फिँजिएको बताउँदै आएका छन्।

श्रेष्ठ अध्यक्ष रहेको भिमेश्वर सामुदायिक विकास संस्थाले दोलखाको गहन अनुसन्धान माग गर्दै संस्कृति मन्त्रालय र पुरातत्व विभागमा छुट्टाछुट्टै निवेदन दिएको छ। यसै आधारमा मन्त्रालयले दोलखाको ऐतिहासिक, धार्मिक, सांस्कृतिक एवं पर्यटन क्षेत्र विकास गर्ने कार्ययोजना पारित गरिसकेको छ। विभागले पनि विकास कार्यक्रम स्वीकृतिका लागि राष्ट्रिय योजना आयोग पठाएको छ।

विभागका अनुसन्धान अधिकृत मोहनसिंह लामाका अनुसार आयोगबाट कार्यक्रम स्वीकृत हुनासाथ मध्यस्थकर्ता नियुक्त गरेर दोलखाको गहिरो प्रामाणिक अनुसन्धान सुरु गरिनेछ। 'त्यो अनुसन्धानबाट प्राप्त प्रतिवेदनका आधारमा थप अनुसन्धान गर्छौं,' उनले भने।
दोलखा बजार (भिमेश्वर नगरपालिकाको वडा नं २, ३ र ४) को अध्ययन अपुरो भएको बताउँदै श्रेष्ठले २०५७ सालदेखि गहन अनुसन्धानको माग गर्दै आएका हुन्।
इतिहासशिरोमणि बाबुराम आचार्यले दोलखाको इतिहास पूर्ण नभएसम्म नेपालको इतिहास पूरा हुँदैन भनेका छन्। विगतमा अध्ययन गर्ने इतिहासकारहरू मोहन खनाल, धनबज्र बज्राचार्य र टेकबहादुर श्रेष्ठले पनि दोलखाको थप अध्ययन आवश्यक भएको बताएका थिए।
काठमाडौंभन्दा दोलखा पुरानो नेवार बस्ती हो भन्ने केही आधार छन्, श्रेष्ठसँग। नेपालमा पहिलो सिक्का निष्कासन दोलखाका राजा जयइन्द्रसिंह देवले गरेका हुन्। विक्रम संवत १५९१ देखि १६०५ सम्म दोलखाको राजगद्दी सम्हालेका जयइन्द्रसिंहले कान्तिपुरका राजा महिन्द्र मल्लले भन्दा झण्डै १५ वर्षअघि चाँदीको मोहर चलाएको प्रमाणित भइसकेको छ। खनाल, बज्राचार्य र श्रेष्ठको अध्ययनले पनि यही देखाउँछ। तर, महिन्द्र मल्लले पहिलोपटक सिक्का निष्कासन गरेको भ्रम फिँजाइएको छ। सामान्य ज्ञानहरूमा पनि यही लेखिएको छ।
सन् १९८९ मा लन्डनबाट प्रकाशित 'क्वाइन्स अफ नेपाल' पुस्तकमा दोलखा राज्यको सिक्कालाई हिन्दुहरूको पहिलो सिक्का मानिएको छ। चाँदीको मोहरमा एकापट्टी जयइन्द्रसिंह देव र अर्कापट्टी उनकी महारानी विजयालक्ष्मीको नाम लेखिएको छ। काठमाडौंको राष्ट्रिय संग्रहालयमा एउटामात्रै मोहर सुरक्षित छ। श्रेष्ठ भन्छन्, 'काठमाडौं उपत्यकाका राज्यहरूभन्दा दोलखा विकसित र पुरानो भएकाले त्यहाँ पहिले सिक्का निष्कासन भयो।'
इतिहासअनुसार विसं १६०५ मा राजा जयइन्द्रसिंहको निधन भयो। त्यसपछि १६५५ मा कान्तिपुरका राजा शिविसिंहले दोलखाका राजा भीष्मदेवलाई परास्त गरे। त्यो बेलादेखि दोलखा कान्तिपुरको अधिनमा आयो।

राजा महिन्द्र मल्लले सिक्का निष्कासन गरेपछि दोलखाको इतिहास मेटाएको आरोप लगाउँछन्, श्रेष्ठ। हिमाली अधिराज्यका मुद्रा विशेषज्ञ मानिएका बेलायती नागरिक निकोलस रोड्सले एक ठाउँमा महिन्द्र मल्लले जयइन्द्रसिंहले निकालेका मोहर गालेको लेखेका छन्। दोलखा भाषाको लिपि पनि यसैगरी मेटाइएको श्रेष्ठको आशंका छ।

इष्ट देवता
भिमसेन नेवार समुदायका इष्टदेवता हुन्। दोलखा बजारमा भिमेश्वर मन्दिर छ। श्रेष्ठका अनुसार त्यतिखेर काठमाडौंबासीले दोलखाको नक्कल गरेर भिमसेन मूर्ति यहाँ स्थापना गरेका हुन्। उनको प्रश्न छ, 'काठमाडौंभन्दा पुरानो बस्ती नभएको भए कसरी दोलखाबाट भिमसेन यता ल्याइन्थ्यो ?'

इष्टदेवताका विषयमा संस्कृतिविद् सत्यमोहन जोशीको विचार पनि केही हदसम्म मेल खान्छ। काठमाडौंका मुख्यमुख्य मन्दिरमा रहेका भिमसेन दोलखाबाटै ल्याइएको उनी स्वीकार गर्छन्।
यसमा श्रेष्ठको तर्क भने यस्तो छ, 'भिमसेनको मूर्ति सारिएको होइन, उस्तै बनाइएको हो। सारिएको भए त अहिले दोलखामा भिमेश्वरमा मन्दिर अस्तित्वमा रहने नै थिएन।'

भाषाको हिसाबले पनि दोलखा महत्त्वपूर्ण छ। दोलखा भाषा मौलिक नेवार भाषा भएको उनी दाबी गर्छन्।
संस्कृतिविद् जोशी पनि शुद्धताका हिसाबले काठमाडौंको भन्दा दोलखाको नेवार भाषा शुद्ध भएको स्वीकार गर्छन्। 'दोलखाको भाषा हाम्रै हो, यसको संरक्षण गर्नुपर्छ,' नेपाल भाषा एकेडेमीका कुलपतिसमेत रहेका जोशी भन्छन्, 'तर यसलाई सबैतिर चलाउँछु भन्नु व्यावहारिक हुँदैन। कुन पुरानो हो भन्ने विषयमा अनुसन्धान हुनुपर्छ।'
अध्येताहरूका अनुसार काठमाडौंमा प्रचलित नेवार भाषाका सात रूप छन् भने दोलखा भाषामा ३१ वटा। दोलखा भाषाको स्वरलहर पनि फरक छ। यसको लिपि छैन। परापूर्वकालमा दोलखाबाट नेवारसँगै दोलखा भाषा पनि काठमाडौं प्रवेश गरेको र फरक ठाउँमा भाषा सरलीकृत भएको श्रेष्ठ ठोकुवा गर्छन्।

दोलखामा ३ सय ६५ दिन ४ सयभन्दा बढी सांस्कृतिक पर्व मनाइने गरेको श्रेष्ठ बताउँछन्। कहिलेकाहीँ त दिनमै दुई-तीनवटा पर्व पर्छ। तीमध्ये अहिले केही लोप भइसकेका छन्।

दोलखामा मच्छिन्द्रनाथको जात्रा निकालिन्छ। त्यहाँको तुलनामा काठमाडौंको भूमि समथर छ। रथ तान्न सजिलो हुन्छ। तर पहाडी बस्ती भएकाले रथ यात्रा गर्न गाह्रो हुँदाहुँदै पनि दोलखामा सदियौंदेखि यो जात्रा चलिरहेको छ। श्रेष्ठ भन्छन्, 'मच्छिद्रनाथको मात्रै होइन, अरू जात्रा पनि दोलखाबाट काठमाडौं लगिएका हुन्। काठमाडौंबाट ल्याएको भए त यस्तो अप्ठ्यारो भूबनोटमा किन जात्रा चलाउँथे होला र ?'

दोलखामा भैरवकुमारी नाच ५ रात देखाइन्छ। यो जात्रा काठमाडौंमा पाइन्न। भैरवकुमारी नाचका नायक नेवार समुदायको शिवभक्ति जातिका हुन्छन्। उनीहरूको बसोबास दोलखामा मात्रै छ। 'यसले पनि काठमाडौंभन्दा दोलखा पुरानो बस्ती भएको पुष्टि गर्छ,' श्रेष्ठ भन्छन्।

पश्चिम नेपालका नेवार आफूहरू काठमाडौं उपत्यकाबाट आएको बताउँछन्। ज्यापुहरू आफूलाई काठमाडौंको आदिवासी मान्छन्। उनीहरू भोटबाट नेपाल आएको स्वीकार गर्छन्। तर, सुरुमा उनीहरू कताबाट काठमाडौं प्रवेश गरे ? यो प्रश्नको उत्तर खोज्न दोलखाको गहिरो र प्रामाणिक अध्ययन गरिनुपर्ने देखेका छन्, श्रेष्ठले।

अन्य इतिहासविद्हरूको मत भने उनीसँग बाझिन्छ।

त्रिरत्न मानन्धर दोलखालाई नेवारहरूको पुरानो बस्ती मान्दैनन्। 'दोलखाको नेवार बस्

Last edited: 18-Feb-11 07:44 PM
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