Posted by: tick July 4, 2004
Neighbouring Thoughts
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Undoubtedly, the politics of Nepal is influenced by the politics of independent India. The infamous pair Lalu and Rabadi Devi is also relevant in this context. Lalu had made well known but un-convicted criminals even union ministers by his grace. Is this the moral and ethics of India's famous left and socialist parties? Politicians have long practiced corruption, sheltered criminals and even encouraged criminals by giving them party tickets have established "criminal" democratic culture? Lalu's reign was always protected by congress, neglecting the sufferings of the people and criminalizing politics of Bihar. The infamous Bo-force, Fodder scam etc. is still unresolved and Tahalka like incidence has become normal democratic culture It is noteworthy to gaze factual Indian history of independence, which might be helpful to understand the current situation. British gave freedom to India not just because the Gandhiji's wanted. They (British) were compelled to leave India due to shortage of manpower to control the colony as they faced great loss and heavy casualty in Second World War. That was the sole cause of giving freedom to India. Even Azad Hind Fauz of Netai defeated British in Imphal. Gandhi and Nehru both vehemently opposed Netaji and supported British; in another word they openly denounced the freedom. Sir Winston Churchill had clearly emphasized "if there would have been few more Gandhis' were born in India, we could have ruled that country for few more centuries." Nehru was so excited; he was even ready to take arms against Netaji. Who dedicated his life for the freedom of India. Nehru had an agreement with British to hand over Netaji whenever he will be arrested. That's the reason why British handed power to Nehru instead of Shardar Ballave Bhai Patel when they left India. The only place in our 'planet earth' where slaves managed to enslave was India and established a slave dynasty that ruled the country for decades. It shows how India is unconcerned who ever the ruler may be. That's why Gandhiji's "ahinsa" was overly glorified and praised but it failed in Kashmiri context. They fought many bloody wars, why? Even in twenty first century when India became a Nuclear power (why &what for?) and had practiced democracy for more than half a century. Sonia a foreign born lady has become a central power, without any constitutional definition. Is this, not the uniqueness of Indian democracy? The most powerful person of the biggest democracy of the world is a pawn and responsible to only one person. Can this be glorified as a glittering example of democracy or a curse? The politics and corruption between the two countries cannot be compared in equal terms, however there are similarities. Without violence and murder there is no history of any elections conducted in Nepal or in India. How can an election be free and fair when there is always murder and violence? The fate of Nepal, the only Hindu kingdom is very gloomy due to prolong Indian interference. Nepal is never allowed to choose its own path. The first intervention and naked aggression was from India. When handful of NC men who supported the theory of greater India, became the tools for aggression and launched armed conflict in the name of NC in 1950. Since then Nepal drifted below the poverty line from 27th position to 1st position. NC leaders always planed armed attacks from 1962 continuously for more than two decades from India. India wanted to make its first victim Nepal not Sikkim, due to diplomatic skill of late king Mahendra Nepal was saved, after him 'South Block' succeeded in its effort to have control on Nepal like Bhutan, through its henchmen. The leadership emerged after 1990 revolution was not able to fulfill all the wishes of their masters even after they were elected many times and were in majority. That's why our mighty neighbor started supporting this new force. Time, practice and experience proved it to be correct. Otherwise, why India supports Kingship in Bhutan and opposes in Nepal, when millions of people are thrown out of their own country as refugees in India and India pushed them inside Nepal and fully supports Bhutanese King for his inhuman and ghastly acts for more than a decade. For the present precarious condition of Nepal there are many responsible parties who cannot be excused or exempted from blame. India should think with a cool head not to disturb its neighbor politically or economically otherwise the volatile condition of the tiny kingdom would bring disaster for the region.
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