Posted by: tick July 4, 2004
Neighbouring Thoughts
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I saw this in soc.culture.nepal. It is thought provoking. What do you think? Will Biswo comment on this? --------------------------------------------------------- Analytic Neighboring Thoughts =========================== Nepal is going through unprecedented time in its history. The continuous protest of the five (one less now) political parties and their many demands even to amend the constitution, and "regression" as well as of constituent assembly over the years has really become profound agenda. Present constitution though thought to be revolutionary and best, during its inception was their own creation, which even violates individual property rights and supports the dictum of communism. The long and many terms ruler, ex-Prime Minister who is not only insensitive to the peoples interest but is also infamous for corruption, misuse of power and inaptness; is still the leader of opposition. No one is sovereign in a democratic sociaty, but party bosses of major political parties have become souvern and are leading their parties regardless of corruptions and crimes committed by them towards the people and the country. Who can be responsible to restore democracy and democratic rights of the people? Is this not a mockery in itself? A powerful fraction of left was not satisfied with the newfound leadership and started armed struggle approximately eight years ago. However, party bosses like G.P. and M.K.N. directly blamed the present king for creating and nurturing the insurgency. It started to throw away the democratic system not just the monarchy as reported in Indian media, which is being copied by others as well. Maoist belive, that Nepal cannot have a successful democracy. The parties in power conducted the elections in undemocratic manner, booth capturing, political murders and autocratic culture has become normal democratic practice. Rampent curruption was the root cause of Maoist uprisig. Maoist also has outside base and support. The same forces that supported the pro-democratic movement of 1950, 1962 and 1990 are supporting these forces to destabilize Nepal. If we study how democracy was functioning in Nepal, we will find that there was no democratic culture in any party who ruled the country. Left and Right both ruled jointly without any hesitation and nakedness in corruption, power misuse and enforced mafia-type management where human life became valueless. Many party cadres and leaders became billionaires over night in the name of "serving people" and now they want power in the name of "regression" prior to election or even without election. contd...
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