Posted by: syd_acid January 20, 2011
Baburam Vs Prachanda
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Its just funny to watch how ppl in sajha present their arguements. My bad, better term would be "opinion" coz half of the time they dont have any point . Its more like "I think...." and "I am right..." blah blah...
  We all know Nepal is the home of crooked and corrupted politicans. There is no way it could be changed and will be changed in near future so we have to learn to deal with what we got on your hands. Blaming one party or a particular leader wont solve any problems rather brings a drift in the country. I wouldnot support Maoist if i have an option but I definitely prefer maoist to UML, NC. Right now, our country needs a long term vision, plan and UML,NC dont have one. Maoist maynot lead us in the exact direction where we need to be but I am sure we will crawl towards that direction. The only person behind all that would be no other than Baburam. Think this way, the leaders of NC fcked us real bad leaving a mess behind which is hard to clean. UML leaders dont have any vision. They just like to switch back and forth to get the power. Prachanda can talk really good and has a capability to boil blood among the civilans but that wont do anygood to us.
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