Posted by: kalopani January 20, 2011
Returning to Nepal
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newstudent, sorry nothing person.. i come here to mingle with other Nepali friends not to make foes. Life's already hard up here.. take care my friend

Chana  said, "
My family still holds top-tier position in Nepal, but do not earn a penny other than sukkhaa government talab. Did not want to join NGO/INGO leaving public service. Still continuing to go to office regularly in public transportation and is determined to serve the same way until the retirement. We refused to follow politicians for opportunity, and to follow unethical businesses. We refused to make unfulfilling claims, and fooling people around.."

Chana if i ever come across to your family i will fully bow my head to your elders with purest respect. just to read something like this from a fellow Nepali brings me to tears. Now a days all we see , hear is Nepali people cheating and lying. Even in tele films like jire khursani and tito satya, all we see is corruption and lawlessness. i came to sajha feeling home sick and i read threads like how to lie on asylum and other immigration stuff etc etc. to know that people like you exist in my country makes me prouder more than anything. i too come from a family like that. my dad returned from usa in 1957 after studying in a ivy league. he did earn a lot of respect and fame but we were always broke and that gave me complexes being around with other rich kids in kathmandu. i was so naive to not realize that i was still from those very few fortunate ones from our country. Eventually politicans playes lots of tricks and my dad had to quit his job. then i got out of Nepal and vowed never to go back. in 12 years i have only one back once to see if i can actually make a difference but because of some family reasons i had to come back. I can totallyl relate to you and again, my sincere respect to you and your family my friend..
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