Posted by: explorer December 16, 2010
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It doesn't matter how slick they look, or how luxurious they feel, don't ever buy AUDI, unless you have tons of cash to repair. It's one of the worst vehicles that's made in Germany. Don't get fooled by it's TV commercials and comparison sheet with BMW and Mercedes.  AUDI is piece of crap. Their customer service is department is another nightmare. Those buggers won't stand by their products.
The vehicles start breaking down left and right way before it even expires it's factory warranty. If you really have to buy a nice looking luxury car- I suggest you to buy BMW, Infiniti, or Acura.

AUDI is a big time fraud. I bought a 2007 A4 in 200. It started giving me headache right after 3 months. Sometimes the recall of some part that I was never told before. Once, it almost flipped over on the highway, due to the skidding. Later on I found out that the factory knew about this problem but didn't recall for this. They wanted their customers to face this issue and then bring it back to the dealer. How weird is that? What if I had lost my life, or I had hit someone?

Major known problem are listed below:
Turbo engine valve repair (within 4 years): $3000
Bearing hop or hup (not sure about the spelling) - $1000
Brakes and Rotars - over $1000
Storage compartment (very finicky) - $350
Sliding roof access button - $500
Other electronics problem - $2000
Regular Maintenance (every 6 months) - $600

They will swear on their mother's grave (if that bitch is even dead), that the new generation of AUDI is much more rugged and everlasting, but no no no. Don't be fooled by those good looking sales chicks and some mafia looking sales guys.

I normally don't do rants and stuff, but enough is enough. It's high time, I warn people about AUDI.
I am doing everyone a favor by warning before they make a mistake. The choice is yours.

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