Posted by: pire June 23, 2010
गरीब देशमा कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी एमाले का धनी प्रधानमन्त्री ।।
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I think the reason why MKN survived for more than a year is because of the anti MKN people like those who write in this site. For example:
सबै कुरा मलाई थाहा छैन , माकुने का केही कुरा हरु राख्छु ।।
If you don't know much, what's the point of writing? 

- २००२ को इन्डियन एम्बेस्सीको को छात्रब्रीदी मा माकुने ले आफ्नी छोरीलाई भनसुन गरेर एम्समा भर्ना गरायेका हुन , यस बाट प्रमाणित हुन्छ उनी कति भारत भक्त हुन । उनकी छोरी सुमन नेपाल ( एम्स ) मात्र होईन कुनै पनि छात्रब्रिती पाउन लायक बिद्यार्थी थिइनन ।। 

Although I am not happy about leaders sending their kids to foreign schools, I don't know Suman's grade. If she was not good enough to attend AIMS, did she pass MBBS there?

- उनी महाशचिब भएका बेला अमेरिकन तथा बेलायित राजदुत बल्खु दरबार पुग्दा उहाँकै आदेशमा माक्स , माओ , लेनिन का तस्बिर हटाइयेका थिए । यो सबै त्यो बेलाका कान्तिपुर , समाचारपत्र , स्पेशटाइम दैनिक मा प्रकासित भएको थियो । 

If he did so, god bless him. Why do we need to put photos of foreigners like Marx, Lenin, Mao in our country? People in their own country hate them anyway.
If you are so patriotic, put photo of Man Mohan, Pushpa Lal, Mandev, Prithvi Narayan Shah, Sita, Tenjing Sherpa etc. I hate the commies who berate others for being pro-foreigner and then go to worship cruel rakshasi foreigners.

- उनी माहासचिब भएको बेला बल्खु दरबार बनाइयेको थियो ।। त्यो पैसा कसरी आयो त ?? 
I wonder. Have you, btw, asked Prachanda where the Maoists got money to buy their building in Paris Dada? How they got money to buy weapons? How they get money to keep so many whole timers? I have heard India gave them money to make Nepal an unstable and warring country.

- उनी महासचिब भएको बेला मा माहाकाली सन्धी का कारण  एमाले तुक्रियेको थियो , महाकाली सन्धीको गराउने माधव नेपाल एउटा नाइके थिए ।। 
Now don't tell me Bamdev is a good man. 
Btw, if UML is split, then people voted for Madhav Nepal and he was vindicated. In fact, the other faction got 0 seats in the next election and had people like Radha Krishna Mainali who supported the king later as leaders.

Opposing India doesn't mean a shit to me. Do something good in Nepal and then you become patriotic. Look at Dr Sanduk Ruit or Mahabir Pun? Have you ever heard them ranting against India to show their patriotism? First respect your own people, and then talk about patriotism. All Nepali love their country, but they don't have to march to the tune of Maoist progapanda to show their patriotism. When necessary, we all are ready to fight against India, but not at the whim of jerks like Prachanda. Btw, Prachanda has labelled BRB as a pro-India. It is old trick to label your political enemies as Indian tattoo to score some gain in Nepal.

Last edited: 23-Jun-10 08:45 PM
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