Posted by: chanaa_tarkaari December 11, 2009
तालिवानिकरणको दिशामा लम्केको नेपाल
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Thank Khoikkhoik for reminding me those threads. 

The main message of this thread does have no relation with those two threads you referred. The first thread was

 बिगत लामो समय देखि नेपाल सम्बतको पक्षमा आफुलाइ उभ्याउँदै आएको हुँदा म यो निर्णयको स्वागत गर्छु ।

 नेपाल सम्बत हाइ हाइ ..........

 I am strictly on the same position. I feel proud on Nepal Sambat, its historical importance, the message it carries for the benefit of the entire public.

The main message of the second thread was

 थिचिएका जनजातिहरुले समयसमयमा ब्यक्त गर्ने आक्रोश बुझ्न सकिन्छ तर तिनलाइ होच्याएर हेपेर जथाभावि लेख्नेहरुको कमि पनि छैन । म सोच्तै छु, ह्वाँ नेपालमा धमाधम राज्य घोषणा हुन थालिसकेको छ, ह्याँ घोचपेच गर्दै बसेर के काम ? यस्ता घोचपेचले ती स्वायत्त राज्य घोषणालाइ झनै तिव्रता नै  दिनेछ । 

This is what exactly happening and in more rapid manner than it should be and with less preparation. Hasty decision in such crucial matter would cause trouble later on.

The main message of this thread is 
निराशाको वातावरण झनझन बढ्दो छ, नजानिदो पारामा हाम्रो समाज धार्मिक, जातीय, क्षेत्रिय कट्टरतामा डुब्दैछ। 

If things were smooth and people are open to realize what others are talking about, we would not have this sort of problem. The voice of federal restructuring should be for co-existence not for extremism. Nepal practice EXTREMISM for last 3 centuries by forceful domination of united minority against un-united majority of indigenous people. That EXTREMISM made our country one of the poorest. Now, we want co-existence but again this is being pushed toward another EXTREMISM of separate identities. The whole turmoil created by short-cited leaders are fueling that sort of dangerous EXTREMISM, which I compared to the Talibanism.

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