Posted by: Bob Marley November 18, 2009
What do you think the main problem in Nepal is?
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Social reform, Social reform and Social reform before any political reform. Put it simply, it is like Americans trying to bring democracy in Iraq, which the Iraqi never understood why or had the need for it to begin with.
We can only achieve this through some changes in what we believe that has to do with religion and culture. Look, right now, there is no priorities taught to the kids except to love their family, die for them and nothing beyond that. When have you seen a Nepali kid volunteering for things like cleaning the street, helping libraries, feeding the poor, charities, youth club and many more. Mobilize the youth through faith and culture for positive steps. It is not going to come through lectures or school teachings, it has to seed from within the fabrics of our belief. These things don't come with parenting, it needs a culture (value) that comes from a collective effort and practices. The concept of "GREATER GOOD" needs to be injected for practical and do-able beliefs, not through flying monkey god and meditating nirvana achiever. Your culture is heavily shaped by the religion you believe in, it changes with time with new adaptations. If it has no moral that will collectively benefit a society (not just your family), it distorts our priorities, which we are facing now. Take care of your family and you are a good son, anything is justified. And our values says, that is the right thing, what else? you might be asking.We're hard working and smart breed of people, yet nothing changes ever, and it will never until we change our VALUES.
There are lots of educated people in Nepal itself. When we say "educated" does not have to be Computer means a basic understanding of fair and equal chances, right and wrong, which you can attain from a Nepali educational system, no western education needed. So to say only the foreign educated can make a difference is a weak and unsecured excuse. May be, what you're trying to say is that they have seen something different, some better options, practices, values from other cultures. In reality what you're really looking is, you are looking for the values achieved from overseas (an outcome of the teachings, not the teaching itself), it does not mean they can beat you in calculus.Well it doesn't matter until we have a environment that will foster that idea. I've seen many educated people go back, some even into politics, they have all fallen under the same social ruin after a while.
Education is NOT everything, it is a tool. Unless you use it or has the place or the need to use it, it cannot bring the change you wish for. Although it is not very suitable for this great thought from the a scientist (forget he's a scientist with this one, it's very philosophical), Albert Einstein said

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Jai Nepal...soon going to be Jai Hind.
Last edited: 18-Nov-09 02:33 PM
Last edited: 18-Nov-09 02:39 PM
Last edited: 18-Nov-09 04:28 PM
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