Posted by: geda_gudi October 24, 2009
how does the average nepali learn to follow
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I truly believe Kuire has raised serious question, we shouldn't take it lightly as she has  valid points!! cause she has the facts (data) to back, at the same time i believe generalizing NEPALI in general is "SAMPLING BIAS."

Facts to support her claim.
1. We are Mercenaries ( British Gurkha, Indian Army, Singapore police and so on...), we are NOT JUST BRAVE as PORTRAIT!!  WE Follow Orders, without raising a Questions!! that is one of the reason we are STILL A MERCENARIES (a cheap blood)!!

You are a doctor, you should know more about GENE, for it  to change it makes considerable TIME (Millions of Years)!! Also, I believe in Evolution and truly believe we share a primate genes. So if you brush any evolutionary books from [( Desmond Morris (The Naked Ape, Richard Hawkins (The Selfish Gene/ Blind Watchmaker....(God's Delusion fame)]'ll realize even though we have advanced socially and culturally (less than 10,000 years)...but genetically we are still the same old ape!![we had same gene when we were cave man and still its same]!! APE follows PECKING following has been part of our GENE...yours as well as mine!! (well leading too.. :-), if you are Alpha)

About Socially:
I agree to the fact, that our society was and is formulated in such a manner, where we follow (or listen to) our elder, (cause) "upon the shoulders of giants" as Newton said!! We can achieve great accomplishments only when we can turn back and look at our history!!

Nepal was (may be is in some part) very closed society, [may be from the period of late 19th century to Early 21st Century]!! (mainly political reason..still we face the same music)

we stayed (stay) in joint family(sudo-pecking order were followed(even in nucleus family it exists). Thus that was a building block of our society (so is (was) yours)!! So listening (following) to our elder comes natural to us!! IS IT BAD?

LACK of Leaders in NEPAL:
May be Nepal is Lacking a STATESMAN like (JFK or FDR), leaders I doubt!! (you should provide us with the facts to back your claim, that we don't have leaders...)...Cause I see Nepalese are Natural BORN Leaders!!( Look at how many small or big Entrepreneur we have in our country)...aren't they LEADER?? don't they have LEADERSHIP GENE??

you should look closely, Nepalese are very political aware citizen(just compare no. of people vote)!! we have more than 30% Ladies in out Parliament (can US claim so?)..aren't they LEADERS? Even though we are taking a BABY STEPS...within a year of declaring REPUBLIC we have more than 30% Ladies in Parliament...(now you tell me, when was VOTING RIGHT ACT was passed in US)??

At LAST: may be our GDP is low, but our GHP(GROSS HAPPINESS PRODUCT)[ Term coined by Karna Shakya!! is HUGE!! we Nepalese are CONTENT, HAPPY BY BIRTH people (Majority) should look for the figure of DEPRESSION MEDICINE sold, Suicide rate,hate crime rate, in US(and other so called DEVELOPED NATION) and COMPARE it with NEPAL!!  (Video made my Californian Girl)!!

We are HAPPY and We are Natural Leaders!!

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