Posted by: STUPIDA October 20, 2009
Help in finding a good consultant company ianywhere in US...
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Once again, I have no doubts on the knowledge you posses, and the perspectives you bring to any topics. But one thing - We, most of us ( u will alwys find those extreme everywhere) somehow need to find a way to agree that the mere experience of an individual or a perspective or even a fact knowledge doesn't represent the "Whole".

What I will do next is a just a way of representing you or say what you do the best ( I believe ppl learn by coying or say looking at others)

"Thanks for your insightful comments..It's the way i feel about consultants..Most of them are "Bloodsuckers"..i don't think that both the parties benefit from's the other way around.."

--Thanks to u too...It's what you feel; I don't. Well u can call what you want; yeha few are out there who suck as the way u refeered...I still belive both parties benefits.

"These bloodscuckers, take a sizeable chunk from ur hardearned money, do all sorts of bad things..encourage ppl to make fake resumes..and that's why genuine PPL never get jobs.."

You are right, they do take a big chunk of your money (one of the cases I know was almost 50%; pay to consultant was 110K/year, guy getting 60K/year) ...But still 60K compared to 40K @ entry level is better I think....and One Chinese used to say -- " You start cheap You end up cheap"   ..........few do give you hards time...thats why ur research is important...they do encourage ppl to make fake resumes...I do blame this to some extend for companyy who hires only ppl with 7 years of experince..."genuine PPL never get jobs"-- I don't balme anyone..I belive it's a free world. If you are smart enough u will alwys find a way to land in the job. If u have 7 years of experinece thats doesn't mean you should only get priority or get a job. If some one can perform @ ur level with just one year experinece, think what he/she will do in 7 years...blame on urself for not able to compete with new generations....Though I will be happy with 40k/50K with an entry level if i was able to find out.


What i encourage Nepali PPL to do is to Look for job on their own..there are ways by which you can land jobs on ur own..We never try hard,never prepare hard and assume that once u have US degree we will land a good Job...."

I think you are just assuming this because you were able to get one. You are just a very very tiny portion of a big population. I don't doubt my hardwork nor do I doubt any Nepalese who graduates. Well, you can argue there are few hopeless cases. We all do the homework on our part. It's the company and government who makes situations worse, not the ppl....yeha u can say "consultant make worse", and believe me I agree, but who started - (gov) and who is responsible (gov)...


LMK if i heart ur feelings..and LMK if i can help u guys in Landing Jobs with insightful advice.."


No u didn't....Appreciate ur effort..Not this time, I am happy with what I have @ the moment.....I hope you could do that to many out there, especailly in this case - Anusha....


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