Posted by: catch_meh_if_u_can January 11, 2009
How religious are we really?
Login in to Rate this Post:     0       ? moments of grief and sorrow..i call out gods name.. in a hope he/she would rescue.. which i know is  just a feeling many of us have.... we use the term god casually so many times in our daily conversation..have u ever noticed that???..especially when u are alone and talkin to yourself.. and we also tend to blame god for our failures.... i m not a strong believer of god..however, i cant deny the fact that i tend to believe in god unconsciously or subconsciously(by using the name god frequently in my conversation) could be that, this very subconscious part of us is the day i was sitting alone in my room and thinking about how perfect our world is....looking at the greater picture..lets question how perfect is the universe???... everything is in a system...a system balanced and run by different kind energies.. maybe those energies are gods.. or lets take it this way....our universe is  a part of a greater system..just like an organ in a living creature's body..and the body is god..(thass somewhat similar to what gita says)..... im just letting my mind play a bit here.. but seriously.. think bout it.. god is everything..but not one  single entity.. that is what our religion says..thats why we have this notion of 33 billion or million( im not sure) gods..i am simply trying to say that everything operating in this system is god. these thoughts  occured to me just now.. i have never ever thought this way.. maybe this is god...god is omni present.. that is what i had studied in grade 2 in moral science class.. now i can relate to it....
im not a believer in god in a way many people are.. like they worship.. ram, krishna shiva,jesus, mohammad blah perception of god is that , it is system of energies present everywhere that runs this whole world in broader sense, the whole universe.

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