Posted by: stormtrooper December 22, 2008
Himal Media Journalists attacked
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I have zero sympathy for Kunda Dixit and the media in general. Even at the height of maoist violence and killing spree the nepali media instead of strongly castigating the maoists stood firmly behind them with only occasional voices of criticism that too only when this fraternity was at the receiving end. Most times the nepali media were too busy glorifying the “people’s war” and heaping praises on maoist leaders while demonizing a benevolent king. It was the politicians running the country since 1990 and NOT the ex-king. So why is the ex-king being blamed for all the ills in the country? Hello!!! Am I missing something here? It’s like blaming your dog for failing in the exam. It’s that absurd. Quite frankly, I don’t care two hoots if the nepali media fades away into oblivion. I for one certainly don’t trust nepali journalists and the bullsh*t they spew.

PS: Actually I had already written a response in this thread yesterday but as I was about to submit it the light just went out. Nepal is currently reeling under 10+ hrs of load shedding every single day and we have been warned that the load-shedding could go up as high as 18-20 hrs in the days ahead. It is indeed very perplexing that a severe power deficit exists in a country which is going through a rapid “de-industrialization” as many industries are going belly up at a record speed. A day is not far off when nepalis will have to go abroad to “see” electricity.

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