Posted by: rockend November 23, 2008
eyy ni lai lai ...........eyy lai lai hehe haha!!! ni laii laiii PART 2.......!!!
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I am providing this link so that it will be easier for new readers to go through the story...!!! from the begining...!!! THankyou !!! hehehe!!!!

Part IV


saturday morning 11:00 A.M


The curtains were open. The world is open and is already awake. But I am still lying on my bed half asleep. I am trying to open my eyes but I am forced to close them. I couldn't open my eyes to see the world that's inviting meh for a new day. The sun rays were straight upon my eyes that came through the window pane.I hate it the most of all about the sun that I can't see it straight on it with my naked eyes wide open. It just hurts, prickles and burns my delicate eye that bring meh so close to this world.

[Yesterday before I went to sleep I thought if I would be able to see any dreams or not ?  When I am leaving my world to a rest for another night in my bed. I wasn't surprised that I didn't see any dreams and don't remember if I have seen any. I didn't see any dreams as expected. but it's the end of the world as I have many dreams in my real life to be achieved.]

The sweetest time of all for sleeping is the morning time. I find it the coziest of all coz I don't feel like getting off the bed at all. That's why I love saturdays the most of all just because I can sleep in the morning. With a long yawn I stretched my body. There used to always be a cup of coffee and breakfast ready for me beside my bed. But to my dismay I didn't see anything beside my bed ready for me. I had no option than to get myself fresh and make my breakfast. So, I got off the bed to brush my teeth and wash my face.

[I got fresh and lazily went to make my breakfast. I love music alot. And I love it going in the background while I am doing anything. So, I went to turn on the FM station to listen to some good music to make me feel get going with my breakfast.I was on half way, at the same time  there is a telephone ring.]

Tring... !!! Tring.....!!! Tring...!!!

Kavita- " Hello!"

MOM- " Hellow! Hey kavita this is me mom. Well I have made the lunch ready and everything is there on the dining table. Have ur lunch before you go out anywhere and don't forget to lock the doors. You know what happended when our neighbour left their doors open. I will arrive home late today so could you please prepare dinner today."

Kavita- "O.K !!Sure"

" Arrrrgh.." It's a weird sound that I create when I am not feeling well . Oh yeah I am not okey. Moreover I am feeling lazy like hell. I had to wake up when I didn't want to and get off my bed. And I have to make my breakfast. Now I have a fresh hot task for my evening schedule.

I changed my mind and instead of making breakfast I  thought of having my lunch.  With my plate and glass of water I am now on the couch of living room ready to watch  the korean movie that rented from a nearby store. A friend of mine recommended me watch the movie ( my sassy girl) I liked the movie alot. The movie made me laugh when I was watching the movie. I found the movie really nice.  Tears rolled down my eyes but I didn't realise that they were falling down my eyes. I am abit more emotional I guess. Poor me, I can't stop my tears from falling down my cheeks. Even though how hard I try it just flows down so easily. The movie is over and I am done with my lunch.  I am on diet so I ate very little as always. It's been 6 months I am on diet.I then did my dishes.

I am trying to be slim I guess that's why I am on diet for the past 6 months. You know almost all gals wants to look beautiful . They care about their looks alot and that's the same with me. That's why I guess I am on diet. I want to loose some weight that I think is more than needed for me. I am always looking myself in mirror just to see if there is any change in my body or not. One more thing there is no point of the mirror staying so idle in my room if I don't give it some company. IF I don't give it some time to look at me. I still find myself the same as I was 6 months back. I find myself the same as the first day from when I started to go on diet.

2:45 P.M



I just arrived at Sita's home. The door was open this time around. I didn't find it strange and nor was I surprised as I was the last time to see the door open. I could see her lying on her bed when I was at the door of her room. She was on her bed in such  a way that she wouldn't be able to see anyone who is entering her room. I found Sita reading a book with  music on the background. I really loved the environment of the room. I didn't want to interrupt the so cool environment but I had to coz I went to her home to see her.

I went behind her and closed her eyes to stop her from reading the book. She felt on my hands and touched my hair and said," Hey I know you." Then she didn't utter a single word for a while. And in about a minute time she laughed and told, "You think I don't you? Huh? I know you are my fatty friend Kavita."

[Well fatty wasn't an acceptable comment for me as I hate being called fat. And I hate myself more than anyone when I am told that I am fat. I feel like my confidence is lacking in many things due to my body.]

I then released my hands and hit her on her shoulder. And said, "You monkey don't call me fatty. I just hate that word. It makes me feel bad about myself."  I said it with a grim look of my face.

"Oouch!!" Sita screamed out loud. It got me scared. I felt very bad too. I was trying to be friendly but I ended up hurting her. I hate things when they don't go as I meant them to go. And again I asked her stupid question after her screaming. "Oh! I am sorry! Did it hurt you?" Sita replied, " What do you think happened?" She looked at me with a blank expression in her face. Then she kept her book aside after placing a book mark on it. I saw the book marker and it was the same book marker that I gave to her on her b'day. Poor me, I didn't get any thing to give her on her b'day except for that book marker.

" I already said sorry. Well if that's not enough I will say SORRY again. I am SORRY..!!! " Sita smiled at me by seeing my childish nature I guess.  Then she asked me, " Hey how are you ? How is everything? And thankyou so much for everything that you did for me. I  am in dept with you. Thankyou so much Kavita.

I replied back quickly. " Hey don't say so okey. I have said it to you several times NO SORRY!! NO  THANKS!! anymore. I won't take it okey. Well I don't think I did any thing great but I had to help you coz we are friends. We need to help each other when we are in need of help. Well now stop asking me questions and stop being foolish. Tell how are you ? Tell me what the doctor say about your health?"I am here to see you. I want to know how ur health is now. You know I prayed to GOD every night before going to bed for your quick recovery."

[I am very talkative person. When I am talking I don't give other chance to speak. If I am talking then none will be able to stop me that easily as I keep on going on and on. Well Sita wasn't annoyed with my many questions. She's a good listener. She is a person who gives good answers to your question. And she's one person who listens to everything that I say about my  bittersweet feelings that are in my hearts about how I feel about everything. ]

Sita replied, " Okey !! Okey !! I won't I am sorry I won't repeat it again. Well the doctor said that I am not far away from recovery.

[I am very talkative person. When I am talking I don't give other chance to speak. If I am talking then none will be able to stop me that easily as I keep on going on and on. Well Sita wasn't annoyed with my many questions. She's a good listener. She is a person who gives good answers to your question. And she's one person who listens to everything that I say about my  bittersweet feelings that are in my hearts about how I feel about everything. ]

Sita replied, " Okey !! Okey !! I won't I am sorry I won't repeat it again. Well the doctor said that I am not far away from recovery. I also feel like I have recoverd alot. I can move my body much more than I used to like a week before. Well I have started to miss school alot. I can't wait to be back to school."

[Well she is a bookish and very hard working student why wouldn't she miss school. Definitely she would miss school. But for me I go to school  coz I was forced to go to school. I am in grade 11 now. I am thinking of quitting school after my +2 is over.]

Then I asked Sita, "Hey are you feeling hungry? If you are I'll make you something to eat. " Sita replied, "Well I had my lunch like at around 9 A.M. I am okey now" I wasn't sure what I heard so I her again, " Are you sure you are not hungry? Well you won't get any excuse saying so. I am going to make something for you? And I am also feeling hungry." Sita said,"Do anything as you wish to do."

I went to the kitchen and looked for something to make. I couldn't find anything. Luckily I was about to find noodles and thought to make noodles and tea. So, I got myself ready to be a cook for a while. The noodles were about to be ready. I minimised the gas and came back to Sita's room. I could see her again getting her busy reading the book. I didn't feel like saying anything to her but letting her to read. I went around her room and I found that there are another room attatched with her room which was like a library full with books. I went around looking for the books and I saw a bunch of notebook on the shelf of her library written " Diary". I then took one book out and kept the diary inside the book. And headed myself to the kitchen.  The tea and the noodles were ready. I turned of the gas. Then I  served the tea on 2 tea cups and noodles on 2 bowls for meh and Sita. I then took the food that was ready to Sita's room.

I requested Sita to stop reading. " Hey you nerd monkey stop reading too much. It will hurt ur head. When I read too much I feel like I am bursting my head. So, stop reading now and fill ur empty tummy with the noodles and tea that I made for you. " Sita replied, " Okey! Well you shouldn't have done it. I wasn't that hungry though. It's so sweet of you."

While eating  the noodles and drinking the tea we had some sweet converstations. We talked about movies, boys of our school, celebs, music, singers and may more.

After we were done eating. I cleaned the dishes. And when I came back to Sita's room. Again I could see her reading the same book again. I then asked Sita  the question that I didn't want to ask. I don't know where where the question came to my mouth. I asked the question and my face changed all of sudden. " Hey you monkey,  you didn't say to me how it happened last time. Can you tell me now how it happened."

As I asked this question there was tears in the eyes of Sita. I felt so bad. I said, " Hey why are you crying you stupid. Well don't cry. I am sorry to hurt you. I just wanted to know how it happened coz I am your friend. I am sorry!!  Then Sita wiped her tears those were rolling down her cheeks .Then Sita replied, " It's okey. The question didn't hurt but that days hurts alot. Well I won't hide anything from you. I'll say what happened." While she said she won't hide anything her voice just trembled. And her face grew red. I grabbed her on my arms . And told her, " Hey don't cry. I am with you. You used to say me be strong and not shed tears coz I cry alot. " She was still sobbing. I wiped the tears those were shedding from her eyes like they were never ending tears.

Then after about 10 mins she stopped crying. And while I tried to make her stop from crying . I cried too. I didn't know tears ran down my eyes. I knew it when Sita wiped my tears those were sliding down my cheeks without any friction being applied. That's why I didn't realize that I was also had teary eyes.

Then Sita started to say bitter facts that were going on in her life. That made me cry so much. I cried like hell and so did Sita when she was saying all those stories. I so bad within myself and cursed myself and asked myself why I asked her the question about how she got hurt on her forehead and arm. I thought I shouldn't have asked. But I didn't get any answer from myself as I was dumb found within me. All I could do was say sorry to the GOD and cry listening to bitter facts...

- TO be continued.....

The story that Sita told Kavita will be in the next part........!!!

thankyou all for reading and following the story......!!!

ROCKEND aka rocky or rocks...!!!!

Last edited: 23-Nov-08 03:56 PM
Last edited: 23-Nov-08 05:05 PM
Last edited: 24-Nov-08 06:34 PM
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