Posted by: Nas November 1, 2008
Politics of fear, now getting urgent
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ne0 bro don't worry. That scumbag Obama will win this election according to my wild prediction. Anyway it does not really matter if the ne0con McCain wins or the Marxist Obama. They both are Corporate whores bought and paid for by the International Bankers. They both have the same foreign policies and monetary policies. Both supported the Bankers Bail Out. Both of these whores are hostile towards Iran and Russia. The only change you are gonna get is more governement taking control of your freedom, liberty and life. You are in delusion if you think you are living in a "free" America and there is such thing as a fair election in America. May be you are right about conspiracies to hijack the election in favor of McCain but I think these wars are for more bigger strategies than just to win election.

You are likely to get a major International Crisis after the election as Joseph Biden and Collin Powell recently warned that Barack Obama, if elected president, would be compelled to take deeply unpopular actions in both domestic and foreign policy within months of taking office. I am sure some deep conspiracies are brewing to shove us with another draconian version of PATRIOT ACT.

"Barack Obama's campaign has pocketed $870,165 from defense-contractor sources, 34% more than the $647,313 in contributions McCain's campaign received from the same sector. Traditionally, GOP candidates — who tend to favor higher military spending than their Democratic rivals — receive more donations from defense-company political action committees and employees. You might expect the tilt in McCain's favor to be even steeper than normal, given his 23-year Navy career — including nearly six in a Hanoi prison. Add to that the fact that his father and grandfather both served as Navy admirals, and his extensive service on the armed services committee. Not to mention the fact that Obama has no military background at all."

And you wonder why ? Just look at his foreign policies. Barack Obama has recieved three times more in campaign contributions by the Wall Streets than McCain.



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