Posted by: _____ October 1, 2008
Hello from Korea
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 Nepe jiu,

Thanks for the link, Development of South Korea was initiated by military dictator Park Chung hi,  at his time there were no trees in SK, all  trees either used or destroyed during he our, so he initiated a program  if u cut 1 trees you have to plant 10 trees back in  1965 . so if you visit Korea today almost all trees are of same height abt 40-50 ft.then he took the example of japan for development, if japan can do why cant they? he initiated favoring nationalist businessmen and some business men close to him there was only one condition development of the country so those businessmen used political favoritism. he wanted to do everything fast so businessmen bribed the burocracy to get he result. unfortunately he was killed in a coup but later his successor also followed same strategy, they were corrupt but unlike in our country where corruption is stealing the tax payers money in SK  business men were corrupting the burocracy to get the inside information about the govt decision etc etc so that they can stay ahead of their competitor, if u check the number of car company established between  1970 to 1980  you will be surprised to know that each  car factory was bribinbg the buraocracy in favor of the country in similar way other industries were establisehed but offcourse all leaders were military dictator thye were keeping US happy but no democracy  so they had to face student demonstration finlaaly in 90s they  established democratic system but by that time all the institutions weee alreday established.  During my visit to SK I felt that still there is lot of corruption.

Statistically speaking, if the corruption is more than 33% it is disastrous,  Statistician say critical mass or something to that. So this level of corruption is very high in Nepal that is why we are slow in development. Secondly sometime corruption can be good to the country if it does not involve the stealing of the taxpayers money. if business community in our country use corruption for establishing big labor oriented industries, it will not be that bad but its not happening in Nepal. This is my personal opinion based on my experience.I think I better stop here, we will continue some other day.

Rice field
Last edited: 01-Oct-08 05:42 PM
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