Posted by: madhesi August 27, 2008
Lets Enlighten: Obama Vs McCain
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you defn have never had any economics classes, have you??  [no, i have not] If so, the theory of economic lags [ i have heard about it] would've made you realize that what you just said was the most ignorant statement anyone's ever heard. [i am not the only one making this statement.  several economists agree Clinton era was the best in almost 100 years. ] The Clinton era was economically more on the uptrend than the Sr. Bush's era because of the end of the Gulf War.  [ So you agree economy boomed during Clinton !!! Btw, economy was in downturn when Sr Bush left whitehouse and that was one of the reasons why he lost re-election.] Historically, anytime a War in the US was over, the country experienced higher growth than during decades of no armed conflict...[ how long it took economically recover after Nixon ended Vienam war?  i am just curious..] Same scenario applies today, once the Iraq War is done with, the trillions in fiscal spending that took place in infrastructure is gonna come home to roost and we'd defn see growth if history is to repeat itself again.  [i hope so .. i keep on telling this to my wife . have patience and wait for the war be over.. good days will be back ..again ..] Know that Economic Lags defn helped Clinton here, ain't no doubt about it.  [so, give credit to Jimmy Carter too for starting recovery process by Paul Volcker who was appointed during Carter administration.. Reagan took the credit for recovery started by Carter.  isn't it?] Correspondingly, this helped Fed Chief, Greenspan be able to make the US economy more robust than ever. 

BTW, since you mention Volker as being appointed by Carter and you call Greenspan a great Fed Chairman...Did you know under who's administration was Greenspan appointed?  Under Senior Bush, [it was under Reagan in 1987,] man!!  And for all you out there who do NOT know how Fed Govs are chosen, the fact is that the President has NO hand in this!  The Prez can appoint the Treasury Chief but NOT the Fed Chairman [ The chairman is appointed for a four-year term by the President of the United States, subject to confirmation by the Senate] and his Governors.  Another fact to ponder upon for anyone with no Economics 101 basics: The whole Interest Rate game (therefore the low mortgage rates which you say We enjoy) are decisions made by the Fed ONLY [ I know ..]...No President has ever ben able to decide for the Fed Chief.  [I know ] That is why the system has worked so well.  The Prez and his Treasury Secretary decide on Fiscal Policies ONLY whereas the Fed decides the Monetary policies (interest rates, printing $$, etc.)!!  So, with this said, Greenspan and NOT Clinton deserves credit for our low mortgages.[ I agree .. but, as always, sitting president gets the credit/blame for economy, depression, recession, etc, not fed chairman..  it is the president who takes the blame if fed chairman makes bad decision .. it is President who will be mentioned in the history books 50 years later, not fed chairman.]

Thanks for your opinion. By the way, my question to you as to why should i vote for McCain was genuine one, not sarcastic!  i am still looking for a reason to vote for him.  I am not Obamian .. i voted for Hillary ..I still could not figure out why anyone voted for Obama..

Last edited: 27-Aug-08 10:14 AM
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