Posted by: sedif July 30, 2008
हामी बिर गोर्खाली?
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Suyog Ji,
Just finished reading the second part. I found these two paragraph very funny. I believe you were trying to be sarcastic. You make some interesting points.
युवा नेपालीमा देखी १०० सम्म पनिको गिन्ती आउँदैन। सुद्ध नेपाली बोल्दा अशिक्षित ठान्छन, बिचमा ईंग्लिश वर्ड युज नगरे कसैलाई पनि सेटेस्फाइ नै हुँदैन, त्यस माथि फुल अन्डर्सट्यान्डिग हुनलाई ईंग्लिश वर्ड डेफेनट्ली युज गर्नु पर्छनी, नत्र आज कलका युथ टोटल्ली कन्फिउजे लस्ट हुन्छन।
हामीले जसरी नेपाल तेलिभिजन को त्यस्तो राम्रो भवन तथा अरु सबै भवनहरु बेदेसी राष्ट्रलाई बनाउन दिएका छौ, शायद देश पनि बरु अरु राष्ट्रलाइनै सुम्पिदिउ, शायद बनाउछन र हामीलाई फिर्ता दिन्छन कि? किन फिर्ता नदिने,  नदिये हामी वीर अजय गोर्खाली खुकुरी लीइ उनिहरुलाई खेदिहाल छौनी होइन र भन्या?

But unlike the first part of you post, I dont agree with a lot of what you said in this part. I believe you were trying to make a point in the above two paragraph that I copied. And I think i kinda understand what you mean. Like kids these days not being able to speak proper Nepali, and our politicians working on the whim of India, China and other nations. The two paragraphs above were very cleverly put together, I laughed a little bit (good job :D)

Some of the things I don't agree with.
- Indian media tend to be superior in quality. I think i am being objective here. They invest a lot of money in their movies and other media. Lots of aspiring actors and musicians find more opportunity to hone their talents, unlike in Nepal. Just the fact that they have big budget, enables them to produce high quality media.
- Its true that Hindi media is very invasive in Nepal. But I dont think its an exclusive thing, one can enjoy both if one wishes. I really love listining to old Nepali songs and some pop songs.

-About buying foreign goods. We dont really have an option do we? We dont produce cars, cell phone, needles, etc. We kinda dont have the raw materials to produce some of these things.
I agree with you regarding people wanting to show off their mobile phones and wanting to build bigger and more expensive houses.

But there is one main thing that I disagree with you. It is very dangerious to talk about Nationalism and trying to be very exclusive. Its true that Prithivi Narayan Shah united our country, and which I think is really good. But we are not one, in the sense we are all the same. There are lots of diversity in Nepal. We should be one in a sense, we accept Nepal in all facet of life under one umbrella.
I my opinion, it would be wrong to say, one should only speak Nepali. One should only listen to Nepali media, buy only nepali goods and ban Hindi movies and songs and goods, etc.

I dont think you went as far as above, but that idea came to my mind from your second post.

I will read you last post after my lunch break.
But thanks a lot for writing such a though provoking article. I am only providing my opinion as you had asked for our comments. Hope to hear more from you and others, even if we agree and disagree with something, share our ideas in a mature fashion.

Keep up the good work :D

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