Posted by: bhaikancha July 17, 2008
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I like this one posted by Fortunefaded:

KathCAT, you are just an ignorant fag who hasn't even set foot on US and talking big like you've seen half the world!
Remember this post back in June?
Post by KathCAT: 6-22-08

Hi guys,

I got admission from two Universities. " A" university relatively cheaper than "B". But I want to attend "B". For the VISA I was thinking, using I-20 of " A" universtiy so that I could avoid unnecessary VISA questions. Would it be possible to transfer to "B", after entering to US, that too without attending univ "A ( i.e from the first semester).

If anyone has been through such situation, please advise!

Haha. Earlier you mentioned that you beat Xavarians? You kidding me? A lot of Xavarians come to US straights out of high school on full scholarship!  Now your pseudo intellectual mask has been taken off, so stop bittching!

Guys, this thread is nothing more than the inferiority complex that KathCAT is feeling! Xavarians never say they are 'the best'. We are not the best! In terms of individual students there are probably a lot of students in villages who are smarter but don't have the opportunity. btw, KathCAT, you are not among them!
Now, don't bring Xaviar's into the discussion anymore. Let the thread rest in peace, otherwise I will shred your pompous ego into pieces!


Initially I thought you were making some interesting points and that you had a valid argument. But this is plain hypocrisy. Fair enough- you are smart and talented. I give you that. But when did you beat any Xaverian? When did you stand out as exceptional? When did you beat the best students in the country (referring to Top-ten)? Again, no disrespect to anyone and I am not claiming Xaverians are the best. But lets be honest. Most people, whether they are Xaverians or not, don't think the way you did (yaya, about that I-20 thing). So stop claiming that you are one of the hard-working honest intelligent diligent kid. And stop bashing Xaverians or anyone else for that matter.
If you think you outdid your fellow classmates in 11th and 12th grade and consider yourself "better," well, its time for a reality check. Please wake up and stop posting generic comments that are not true.
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