Posted by: shiva_linga July 17, 2008
Bahuns are New Pode??
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bahuns-sharp nosed,generally educated(be it religious texts or modern education)coz they are always incouraged to read and write. they  are the main group of people to benefit after rana regime.clever but selfish and oppurtunistic(some say it ambitious and goal-striving ). not just the majority of leaders and govt officials but more than 70% of doctors,proffesors,engineers,literary figures and teachers are bahuns(i dont think there is any nepalese without bering taught by a bahun teacher). famous personalities-Guru goraskshanath ('gorkha' came from his name),devkota,BP,Girjo budha ,dr.kulchandra gautam


Chhetris-others say they’re same with the bahuns being sharp nosed.but ist not true. they  r  vanguards of khas traditions . were in upper hands from unification of nepal till rana regime.famous for exploiting other poor in villages(kajis and jamindars). martial race (the khas paltan of PN shah became the nepalese army after kathmandu victory and then he added magars(purano gorakh gan) ,newars  and other so called dalits castes to form nepalese national army. ). served in british raj for the army but after indian independence  they were not  needed as there were british  to lead the troops. before that they were recruited as foot soldiers as well as officers(a thakuri  even became Adc of the Oueen) .majority of chhetris live in mid and far west in miserable conditions.  They were the ones misleaded and used by the bahuns  the most.while other communities talk abt the exploits of nepalese troops to newars, kirants and magars , most of them don’t know  about the bloodiest battle fought in the unification campaign; against the jumlis who were also khas. famous personalities-gautam buddha ,PN shah,Amarsingh thapa,Bhakti thapa,bhimsen thapa, shere deuba ,gyane


 Newars-is a community rather than cast. People of nepa or ktm valley. Have a gr8 culture and were in the way of industrial revolution before ktm siege.have tibeto-burmese language with indo-aryan writing general far more prosperous  than other non-ruling castes. Have khalas like muslim quoms and are very strict in matters of matrimony and social orders.before and after unification ,were intrested in trading with tibetans and indians but not intrested in politics  although they were in a considerable number in nepal  palace(till now). NAC(former RNAC ) and other offices in the valley consist of newars but they don’t think themselves responsible for their downfall. as they were the rulers before the shahs they still envy the khas clan . personalities-ganeshman singh,siddhicharan shrestha,marichman singh,keshav sthapit


Kirats(rai ,limbu, sunuwars)- bhumiputras of eastern pahads. came upto ktm valley from east .they are the only non-indian chettrais mentioned in mahabharat (the archers who fought with pandavas).have a very long history mentioned in mundhum. They have their own religion  but still were in some aspects hindus from a very long time being. very helpful and smiling .and of course brave. It was just impossible even for the gorkhali fauj to inter the land of  kiratis. still famous warriors in the brigade of gurkhas and gorkha regiment in india(but these regiments are not the authentic gorkhali fauj from where the word gurkha came-its still the nepalese army).some   of  them even won the prestigious victoria cross .but even after restoration of democracy and being able to afford better than any others the lahure culture is still there and the kids are incouraged to join army as soon as the pass their 8th grade. personalities-guru phalgunanda,VC Agamsingh rai,subash nembang


Gurungs an magars-are not he same though being of tibeto burmese origin.lived long in the western and far western regions. were  discriminated by the khas regime before domocracy and after its restoration it was their fault  not striving hard to get a share of administration and  politics. even after being the first nepalese non-royals to  see  india , europe and many other parts of world  they were not intrested in educating  their kids.

The magars are the raithanes of western and mid-western regions .they have a separate cultur with a different language and lifestyle. Follow either hinduism or buddhism.some even say magars were given the chetriya cast and allowes to wear janai because of their bravery .Gorkha ,the seed-state of nepalese unification was a magarat state and was later on named as gorkha by shahs. the first commander in chief (biraj /birat rana/thapa )  of gorkhali fauj was a magar and PN shah in his divyopadesh said  ‘ ma magarat ko raja hun’-I am the king of magarat . buts still the lahure culture is not fading . personalities-biraj rana,lakhan thapa,VC kulbir thapa,swami prapannacharya,gore bdr khapangi

Gurungs/tamus  are also the present in the wesstern hills from a very long time .have heir own language and cultur.are mostly divided in char jate and 16 jate gurungs.hindus and buddhists. lahure culture hawi chha. Personalities-Dr harka gurung,VC lachhuman gurung,chakre milan

pS- i dont belong to any of the caste groups

Last edited: 17-Jul-08 04:37 AM
Last edited: 17-Jul-08 06:36 AM
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