Posted by: kathCAT July 15, 2008
सेन्ट जेविएर, रातो बङला
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Some Excerpts from your comments


“We need brain to learn language...dont you? Probably you dont but I do.”


Being good at just one (English) language does not make you an intelligent. Chinese are giving hard time to US. Japanese are doing great. The both countries in Asia, one evolved out from world war-ii and one from civil war( communist) now, are in a strong postion in world economy than those of English speaking country.  What you need is the overall potential not just a command over a particular language. Agree?? Again I am not denouncing the importance of English. But some people feel so proud just because of they have good english which I find is absolutely stupid.

“You have to concur at the point that you got “typical villagers attitude”- later edited “typical stupid attitude”


What can I say about it?


“I know you are somewhere working in third class job and you are saying that you beat Xavierians,Marian, and other brilliant students. You are an avid fantasizer dude.”

Even I am working what you consider third class job, by now being in US, you should have learnt to respect the dignity of work at first place. As you are from very good school, father should have taught you that basic or did you miss that class? Yes I am a taxi driver and Janitor.


Once a villager told me this poem when I was a kid “ upakari guni byakti, nihurincha nirantara, faleko brikchya ko hango najhuke ko kahan chara”. I guess being SXV, you also would be good at Nepalese literature, if not; this is a piece of poem written by Kabi Siromani Lekhnath Paudyal.


Learn to respect all the professions, they all have important role to play in the society where you living and  enjoying all the contemporary facilities.


“There is no doubt  that we got more knowledge than you even though you keep on avowing that you are the man with high dexterity.”


No need to say you( as you said we SXV) got more knowledge everybody would have known by now.



“Oh my fkn god!” “nugatory sh*t!”- use this kind of word too often and expect respect from the others???? I do not know how to use it.


Coming back to my apple and oranges, in my all posting I did not say local schools ( as schools) are better than sxv, rb, or bnk and comparing those would be like comparing apple and oranges. But when it comes to the product, like the way you love to generalize ( fantasize in your own words, good that you hate fantasizer) “we got more knowledge”,  you just can not buddy! When it comes to product, it is completely upto individual’s potential. That was the reason why I gave example of you Dr. Devkota ( a typical villager) and Dr. Baskota ( very urbane). I do not think both are diamonds, Dr. Devkota is way ahead I guess you would also agree.



As you mentioned in your earlier postiings SXvV, BKNL get/got admission in IVY Leagues more than the others, unfortunately facts stands on contrary to your fantasy. Just go and find data on Ivy League colleges how many SXV got there and how many non SXV got there. Like I said you would be disappointed. So I do not know who is fantasizing here!



 Oh yeah this is for your wisdom, Kul Chandra Gautam” –former assistant general secretary of UN (highest rank any Nepalese got in UN), went to Princeton, he also happens to be a typical villager from GULMI district. Here is the link.


Again, Dr. Ambika Prashad Adhikari, former chief of IUCN Nepal, and first Nepali go get PHD from Harvard, is also happens to be a typical villager from Bhojpur. Importantly not from SXV.



So I suggest you to do some research before drawing any hypothesis.


Oh yeah, I heard you love to cut me into 50pcs. Some one from shout box told me. Stay away from such defeated mentality, not good for health for a talent like you. Calm down!

Last edited: 15-Jul-08 08:56 AM
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