Posted by: bhaikancha July 13, 2008
सेन्ट जेविएर, रातो बङला
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I know what you mean. But I think it's not merely a problem of Nepal alone. Not all deserving candidates get the best. Take the US educational system for example. If you are a son or a daughter of a President, or even a senator, you can attend prestigious universities regardless of your caliber. Whereas a better candidate with so-so financial situation might get rejected during the application process. The point is it's not only in Nepal.

And I think you (Sarkozy) are one of the few people here making rational arguments. Cheers for that!!! Whereas some people here are simply expressing their prejudice or anger or frustration or whatever you call it. And they are being too belligerent. If Jungehaldar considers Sarkozy thinks the same way he does, then he might want to reconsider his perception. Sarkozy is a lot more sensible in his approach.

Stop thrashing each other. We all are Nepalese reagardless of where we went to high school and what part of Nepal we are from. When someone asks soemthing about you, you dont go on talking about your high school. Nepal first, rest comes later.
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