Posted by: coolcetrix June 19, 2008
Me and my strange stories
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                                            my grandpa's supernatural encounter

I will try make it short as I have nothing to do with the story and I dont remember all the details of the story too. I really liked that fupu of ours. One chilling story about the death of one of my family members long back still sends chills through my spine. I still donot have enough courage to write it down. Someday when i am drunk enough i will write it down . The story as told and what remembered by my amnesic(?) brain goes like this......

This is the encounter that our grandpa had long time back. My grandpa was real fond of catching fishes. He had a friend who used to come early in the morning and they both used to go fishing together. My grandpa used to have a nickname that the friend used to call him. That day, too my grandpa heard the same familiar voice in the dark calling him for the fishing trip. He loaded his fishing gear and followed his friend on the way to the nearby river. Well unlike the other days, my granpa's friend was acting real strange. He was moving infront of my grandpa in a regular pace. He didnot even wait for him like he used to. My grandpa tried to increase his pace to catch up with the friend but to no avail. When my granpa increased his pace, so did his friend. And it was dark enough that he could just see someone walking infront of him. He hollered at him to wait but seems like the friend was in a jolly mood. As they came near the river my grandpa felt  like his friend was getting taller and bigger. The eerie darkness around him and the supernatural stuff that my grandpa was witnessing didnot deter his passion of fishing... coz he arrived to the river . It was so dark and my granpa might be reasoning that he might be hallucinating lol or he might be actually fearless lol. According to our fupu the friend then was in the river and calling my granpa to join him in..The water was deep and was already about the height of my granpas belly. When he looked up to his friend the water seem to be around his knees.  He was calling grandpa to come more and more. Now my grandpa finally come to his senses and that he might be actually witnessing some supernatural thing trying to drown him in the river. He left the fishing gear in the river and ran as fast as he could back home not even turning his back once. He could hear his friends voice in the back calling him so ever  dearly with his nickname.The spiritual guru in the village later told grandpa that saved his life. I mean running back without turning his head back. According to the guru if he had turn back, his death was inevitable. The eerie thing about the whole thing is my granpa's friend was actually sick that day.He never come to call my granpa. After a week or so after all the spiritual guru stuff, he recovered from his mysterious illness..

Well, there you have it guys. The encounter of my granpa with the supernatural... Dont ask me any questions regarding the story. I put it out there for all of you as what i remembered from the story as per told by my fupu.

Yours sincerely,
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