Posted by: Nepe June 12, 2008
Ramraja Prasad Singh as the president of Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
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I agree with your arguments overall. However, there is a couple of things I look at differently.


NC/UML does not trust Maoist.


If it is about democracy, I don’t think so. If they really do not trust Maoist, they would never have made 12-points agreement with them in 2005, 25-points peace accord in 2006, interim parliament and government with them, election and so on.


Then, if NC/UML really think that Maoist is not committed to democracy and it is going to try to impose anti-democratic system and activities, it actually should be making NC/UML very very very  happy inside. Because a bad Maoist is what NC/UML are desperately needing to show to the people so that they can get back people’s support to come back to power again.


Realistically (not idealistically) saying, a bad Maoist is a good luck to NC/UML and a good Maoist is a bad luck to NC/UML at this point. It is obvious.


So, what NC/UML is saying about ‘trust’ regarding Maoist is just a political posturing and nothing more.


Popular mandate:


Since there were too many agendas with complex relation among them for this election, it is hard , if not impossible to draw absolute conclusions. However, it is not that difficult to draw relative conclusions.


For example, was this mandate for three drivers (one each from Maoist, NC and UML) or a single driver ?


I will say, it was for a single driver. I have presented my explanation already earlier (how the pre-election power sharing scheme has been turned down). And yes, “Bhitte rasptrapati” should also count. I would think Nepali voters endorsed Maoist agenda of Prachanda as the first executive president of republic Nepal. Nepali voters will probably not mind the ceremonial presidency to go non-Maoist. However, they certainly would disapprove executive presidency/premiership to go to non-Maoist.


What should NC/UML do ?


Don’t waste time worrying about “democracy” and “country”. Start thinking about winning the next election. If what you are doing right now helps you, great. Else, forget about it.


As far as taming Maoist is concerned, Nepali people have already taken the matter in their own hand (by not bringing NC and UML to power to tame Maoist and by putting Maoist in driving test !). Nepali people did not trust NC/UML for taming Maoist. That’s what the result of the election is all about. So NC/UML’s role and ambition to tame Maoist must not be more than what Nepali voters expected of them. That’s my point.


Wise, risky or unwise, Nepali people have decided to test Maoist. So let the test be as uninterrupted as possible. Also because the unintended interruption by NC/UML is not going to be appreciated by Nepali voters in next election-test.


So prepare for next election and prepare good. That’s my or anyone’s best advice to NC/UML.



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>What if they take the country towards dicktatorship ?

>Still we should stay away ?


I was asking NC/UML, not you, to stay away from the Maoist government. You should too, if you were thinking to join the government. Otherwise you are good. We all should be watching Maoist from wherever we are. That was my message.


>they should just keep quiet ? Just like during monarchy

>and have their civil rights crushed by the Maoist again ?


Yes, keep quite, until it actually starts to happen.


>is fugging constitutional assembly going to feed Nepali Janata ?

>Constitutional Assembly ain't worth shit if it is not making Nepali

>People's lives any better.


It seems you are in the impression that CA is only for writing a new constitution and nothing else. No, CA will be functioning both as a constitution drafter and a regular legislative body (parliament) [Interim Constitution of Nepal 2007, article 83]. It was this parliamentary function of CA that I was talking about when I said political parties should be showing their show in there.



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>याद राखिराख्नुस, ठुलो पार्टि भएको नाताले कुरा मिलाउने जिम्मा

>माओवादि कै हो, त्यसैले, यस्तै किचलो बढ्दै गयो र देशमा शान्ति

>भएन भने दोषि हुँदा हुँदै पनि पार्टिहरु चोखा देखिन्छन् ।


कसैले त्यसो देख्लान् । कसैले मैले भनेको जसो देख्लान् । मुख्य कुरा कुन कुरा देख्ने समुह कति ठूलो होला भन्ने हो । माओवादी ईतर पार्टी चोखा देख्ने समुह ठूलो होला जस्तो लाग्दैन मलाई । माओवादीले देख्यौ त, हामीलाई काम गर्न दिएनन् यी दलहरुले भनेर दलिल दिएपछि ती दलहरुको आकार अहिले भन्दा पनि सानो बनाईदेलान् भन्ने पीर छ मलाई ।


>तर दाजु, सम्बिधान मा त अझै मिलेर चलाउने भनेर लेखेको छ रे नि त


मिलेर भनेको छ, तर सबै सरकारमा बस्नै पर्छ भनेको छैन । झन् सरकारमा दुई शक्ति केन्द्र बनाई त्यसलाई बाँडीचुडी खानु त भनेकै छैन ।


>ठुलो पार्टि भएको नाताले कुरा मिलाउने, सबैलाइ खुशि

>बनाएर संबिधान लेख्ने काम माओवादिको काधमा पर्छ ।

>समायोजन कसरि गर्ने हो उनै जानुन ।


हो बल्ल कुरा मिल्यो । गाँठी कुरा यही हो ।





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