Posted by: teroobaau June 2, 2008
Shattered again and again by first love of my life
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And the December 2001 was here again. But I knew that anjali was not coming so it was not that all exciting for me anymore. One winter morning when I woke up, the first thing I saw was familiar image standing on the roof of their house . As I have mentioned before my room is facing to the direction of theor roof with clear and straight line of sight.And it was shreya standing there. I was happy for tope that she was finally here. And to my surprise I saw anjali coming to the roof as well. I was really happy but did not do anything except for peeking at them through my curtains. Then I stayed in my table and pretended to start reading as if I did not notice them. Then I saw anjali coming up the stairs looking at me and I looked at her and gave no expression at all. After a while she signaled me to call her. So I went downstairs to call her. I talked to her and I said you are here ..what happened to your SLC? She told me that she had to quit her exams because of her health problem. I was feeling sad since she had to miss her SLC exam and happy also  because she was here. So things started on going as usual like looking at eachother from roof talking in pphone and meeting more frequently than yester years. But no official date even after 3 years of relationship. One day both of them asked if we could go out together. And we said yes. It was combined date . We were going put with girls for the first time so we had no idea where to take them what to do. In complete state of confusion we took them to the zoo. Hahahaha


Then I cam to know that both of them are staying in kathmandu for furhte study. I was really happy. But things between tope and shreya was falling apart because that girl had changed totally in attitude and my friend did not like that. Still he was hanging on there because of my and anjali effort to keep them together. One day when I was out with my friends I came to know that she went out with tope shreya and one another friend of mine ( not so close one). When they came back another friend was saying this that she will go out with anyone not only you. I was so pissed off at her because it was too hard for me to take her out for date because of family restrictions of her but she went easily with him. So that evening I threw every gift she gave to me , all her letters everything ( except her picture ) on her roof from tope’s roof as there house were too close. She was crying and I was really angry so I did not even care. Next morning my another best friend kale heard about all this and came to me and asked everything. Then he told me at least go talk to her whats the matter. Then he called her and set up our meeting. After meeting her I came to realize that another guy had lied her that I would also be there so she went with her. That was the first mistake I made in our relationship. I apologized to her and things started going again. She was staying in her another sisters house at baneshwor and used to come there everyweek. I also used to go and meet her after her computr classes. And all of the sudden things started changing. She was not receving my call, not calling me, ignoring me . I was equally dedicated to her as before but her dedication was ceasing and I was getting disappointed in everyother step. I asked her whats the matter but she used to say its all like before only you think I am doing that. When it was unbearable I told her ok if you are not interested anymore lets stop it here. I gave back her all her pictures that were with me and also asked her to burn mine. She did not say anything and went along. That was when my heart shattered for the first time.


We didn’t talk to eachother and I pretended that I  did not even care for her when she used to come there because I was really angry.

The things went on like that for two months. And here it was my oldest sister marriage. I decided to call her and shreya to my sisters marriage and gave them the invitation. Well they did not come but watched evrytihgn from there roof. That again gave life to our relationship and we patched up again. Again we were dating and as happy as before. And same thing started coming back again. She started ignoring me again, I used to go to meet her in her computer classes and one day she told me her classes are over so how are we going to meet. I said we will find out some way. But reality was she was still going to the class and just did not want me to visit her. I found out that but kept quiet. Kale and tope were there to convince me to not to leave her but try to go on. I treid again and again . On last date we went to see movie chori chori chupke chupke but things were tensed between me and he there too. While returning we did not say a word and parted. One day I Saw her in shreyas house. Since we hadnot had contact for long I told shreya to tell her I would be waiting one place so I could talk to her and she told me that she would be coming. I waited for more than an hour but she was not there. I let that one go out of my mind too. Then new year was there and shreya had gone Darjeeling to do some stuffs so she could start studying here. Anjali was looking for school over here. I was in 12. She promised that we would spend this newyear eve together. So I cancelled all my plans with friends just to be with her. And in new years eve we promised to meet at 6 p.m but till 7 she was not there, I called shreyas home and what I found out was she went to nagarkot with her family to celebrate new year and didn’t even tell me a word . I was trying to adjust and adjust but she was getting more ignorant and irresponsive. And one day I told her ok we are done for good. I cant take it anymore you go your own way and I will go mine..She was silent and I got her answer. It was just  2 days before my 12 fnal xams so I screwed all my exams………………


This is just beginning of what I have gone through next will be coming if you all are interested


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