Posted by: HappyFace April 8, 2008
Dedicated to all Hater of MAIOSTS !
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Sagun 05,I can't stop to drag myself in this thread rearding why people hate Maoists.I hate the terrosists maoists because they did not, have not, and will not fight for thesake of Nepal or Nepalese people. All they are fighting is for themselves and to fulfilltheir empty stomachs; this is a truth that is well understood by every person capable enoughto analyze, think, and see the facts in Nepal. All the hooligan YCLs are none other thangangsters who don't have a clue about nation development nor want to build up a nation. All the want is get money and power by using their muscles. I bet over 90% of the Maoistswho died (may they rest in peace) did not really know what they were fighting for orwhat their objectives were. They were simply promised a good salary and high standard livingby their terrorists, murderer, shrewed, and extremist bosses like Prachanda, Baburam and theirassociates. What they have been doing now in the country: if anyone is simply against themthey thrash them; extortion; killings; hooliganism; kidnappings; using people's propertyforcefully; not giving people to exercise basic principles of democracy--free speech,liberty, life, freedom. What the heck do you think you mean when you say you "why peoplehate Maosist" Can't you analyze all their terrorizing activities; haven't they alreadydone enough bloodshed???? Or are you simple trying to come into light by raising such anidiotic topic?????? I hope not!The only alternative to Maoists in Nepal is that they should be eliminated. They onlyundstand the language of violence, so, they should be communicated back in the same language they only understand. If they leave violence that's great. If not, violence killsviolence. If the Maoists come into power, Nepal will be another Afganistan where the radicalMaoists will play the role of the extremists Taliban and Nepal will cut herself from theworld. On a final note to you Maoists supporter: Maoists in Nepal are like the terror causingdisease and Prachanda and Babauram are like the blood sucking microorgamisns, all of whichshould be completely eradicated from the face of the earth.
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