Posted by: mta177 March 21, 2008
Nancy Pelosi meeting Dalai lama
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It is not US nor Dalai Lama fueling the violence. For instance,  why didn't Rana Regime in Nepal last forever? When there is contineous suppressions from Govt. generations after generations, people will  say 'wait a minute,' Something must be wrong with our system, why are we not getting the same previlage and rights as other people. Then they will voice againsts the system so that they can change the system which will  work for everyone not just for some.  People are not as innocent as they were like hundreds years ago. I get Tibet news from BBC most of the Time. I found very little coverage from US media. So, I don't buy what China is throwing in news media. If they have nothing to hide, why don't they let the international reporters in Tibet to cover the actual news. Who is gonna trust their stories when they said none of the Tibetans were killed but some Chinese were dead. Those Chinese Govt who are using weapons againsts Tibetans are not dead .Ya! World is gonna buy Chinese Govt. story,when the whole world knows Tibetans who have nothing to defend againsts themselves are safe. 

 It was not Pelosi who went  to war againsts Iraq. It was Bush who went to war. So, it is Bush's war not Pelosi's war. She was Minority house leader when Iraq war strarted so she didn't have control over the war. Bush twisted the CIA report to go to war. She is againsts the war that is why she is leaning her support towards OBAMA who opposed the war from the start. She will endorse OBAMA one of thesedays.

 Chinese Govt. might think whatever bone they throw in the media  might work but the truth is they are the ones who invaded Tibet, suppressed Tibetans and don't even let the international reporters to enter Tibet to report the actual news.Now they are blaming all those incidents on Dalai Lama who has been in Exile for almost 50 yrs. Chinese Govt. who has been invading Tibet is blaming on Dalai Lama. What a joke!!!!!! Yes, the people who don't know much might buy Chinese Govt. story but not those who knew what has been happenings for the last 50 yrs.

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